Browsing by Author Dündar, Fuat

Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Challenges of Examining the Ottoman/Turkish Immigration PoliciesDündar, Fuat 
2017Conversion and Apostasy in the Late Ottoman EmpireDündar, Fuat 
Jan-2015Empire of Taxonomy: Ethnic and Religious Identities in the Ottoman Surveys and CensusesDündar, Fuat 
2024From Old Homeland To the New One: Migration Movements and Policies Between 1918-1923Arabacı, Talip
2021Hicret, Dîn ü Devlet Osmanlı Göç Politikası (1856-1908)Dündar, Fuat 
2022Imperial Resilience: the Great War's End, Ottoman Longevity, and Incidental NationsDündar, Fuat 
2022İmparatorluk Sonrası Göçler: Japon Hikiageşa ÖrneğiDündar, Fuat 
Oct-2016Kitap İncelemesi: Dünden Bugüne Aile, Kent, Nüfus (ferhunde Özbay)Dündar, Fuat 
Oct-2014Measuring Assimilation: 'mother Tongue' Question in Turkish Censuses and Nationalist PolicyDündar, Fuat 
2022Minorities and Minority Rights in Turkey: From the Ottoman Empire To the Present StateDündar, Fuat 
2023Mübadil Osmanlı: 1923 Mübadelesinin KökenleriDündar, Fuat 
2022Nationality, a History of Numbers: Politics and Statistics in Central Europe (1848-1919)Dündar, Fuat 
Mar-2020Ottoman Parliamentary System and Minorities: Democratizing Conflicts?Dündar, Fuat 
2022The Social Lives of Numbers Statistics: Reform and the Remaking of Rural Life in TurkeyDündar, Fuat 
Jun-2017When Did the First World War End for Turkey?Dündar, Fuat 
2024When Does Political Violence Turn Into Genocide? a Comparative AnalysisKurul, Sümeyye Nur
2021Ziya Gökalp Kürdolojisi üzerine notlarDündar, Fuat