Browsing by Author Kılıç, Emrah

Showing results 1 to 100 of 154  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Alternating Sums of the Powers of Fibonacci and Lucas NumbersKılıç, Emrah ; Ömür, Neşe; Ulutaş, Yücel Türker
2018An Analytical Approach: Explicit Inverses of Periodic Tridiagonal MatricesHopkins, Tim; Kılıç, Emrah 
2022Analytically Explicit Inverse of a Kind of Periodic Tridiagonal Matrix Using a Backward Continued Fraction ApproachHopkins, T.; Kiliç, E. 
2014Asymmetric Generalizations of the Filbert Matrix and VariantsKılıç, Emrah ; Prodinger, Helmut
2008The Binet Formula, Sums and Representations of Generalized Fibonacci P-NumbersKılıç, Emrah 
2011Binomial Identities Involving the Generalized Fibonacci Type PolynomialsKılıç, Emrah ; Irmak, Nurettin
2021Binomial Sums Involving Catalan NumbersChu, Wenchang; Kılıç, Emrah 
2024Binomial Sums Involving Second-Order Linearly Recurrent SequencesCampbell, J.M.; Kiliç, E. 
2024Binomial Sums Involving Second-Order Linearly Recurrent SequencesCampbell, John m.; Kılıç, Emrah 
2011Binomial Sums Whose Coeffıcients Are Products Of Terms Of Binary SequencesKılıç, Emrah ; Ömür, Neşe; Ulutaş, Yücel Türker
2013Bir kombinatoryal matris ve lineer cebirsel karakterizasyonlarıÖzdemir, Gülşah
2010Certain Binomial Sums With Recursive CoefficientsKılıç, E. ; Ionascu, E. J.
2017A Class of Non-Symmetric Band Determinants With the Gaussian Q-BinomialcoefficientsArıkan, Talha; Kılıç, Emrah 
2021A Class of Symmetric and Non-Symmetric Band Matrices Via Binomial CoefficientsMicheal, O.; Kılıç, E. 
2017Closed Form Evaluation of Melham's Reciprocal SumsKılıç, Emrah ; Prodinger, Helmut
2016Closed Form Evaluation of Restricted Sums Containing Squares of Fibonomial CoefficientsKılıç, Emrah ; Prodinger, Helmut
Jun-2016Closed Form Evaluation of Sums Containing Squares of Fibonomial CoefficientsKılıç, Emrah ; Prodinger, Helmut
2008A Computational Algorithm for Special Nth-Order Pentadiagonal Toeplitz DeterminantsKılıç, Emrah ; El-Mikkawy, Moawwad
2010Conics Characterizing the Generalized Fibonacci and Lucas Sequences With Indices in Arithmetic ProgressionsKılıç, Emrah ; Ömür, Neşe
2019Cubic Sums of Q-Binomial Coefficients and the Fibonomial CoefficientsChu, Wenchang; Kılıç, Emrah 
2024Curious Harmony in Asymmetric & Nonlinear Variant of Filbert and Lilbert MatricesKılıç, Emrah ; Ersanlı, Didem
Sep-2015A Curious Matrix-Sum Identity and Certain Finite Sums IdentitiesKılıç, Emrah ; Akkuş, İlker; Ömür, Neşe; Yücel, T.
2016Decompositions of the Cauchy and Ferrers-Jackson PolynomialsIrmak, Nurettin; Kılıç, Emrah 
2023Determinant Evaluation of Banded Toeplitz Matrices Via Bivariate Polynomial FamiliesAlazemi, Abdullah; Kılıç, Emrah 
2022Diophantine Equations Related With Linear Binary RecurrencesKılıç, Emrah ; Akkus, Ilker; Omur, Nese
1-May-2018Double Binomial Sums and Double Sums Related With Certain Linear Recurrences of Various OrderKılıç, Emrah ; Arıkan, Talha
2017Evaluation of Hessenberg Determinants Via Generating Function ApproachKılıç, Emrah ; Arıkan, Talha
2016Evaluation of Spectrum of 2-Periodic Tridiagonal-Sylvester MatrixKılıç, Emrah ; Arıkan, Talha
Apr-2017Evaluation of Sums Containing Triple Aerated Generalized Fibonomial CoefficientsKılıç, Emrah 
Mar-2016Evaluation of Sums Involving Gaussian Q-Binomial Coefficients With Rational Weight FunctionsKılıç, Emrah ; Prodinger, Helmut
Apr-2019Evaluation of Sums Involving Products of Gaussian Q-Binomial Coefficients With ApplicationsKılıç, Emrah ; Prodinger, Helmut
2017Evaluation of Sums Involving Products of Gaussian Q-Binomial Coefficients With Applications To Fibonomial SumsKılıç, Emrah ; Prodinger, Helmut
2017Evaluation of Sums Involving Products of Gaussian Qq-Binomial Coefficients With Applications To Fibonomial SumsKılıç, Emrah ; Prodınger, Helmut
2020Evaluation of Sums of Products of Gaussian Q-Binomial Coefficients With Rational Weight FunctionsArıkan, Talha; Kılıç, Emrah ; Prodinger, Helmut
1-Jun-2018Evaluation of Various Partial Sums of Gaussian Q-Binomial SumsKılıç, Emrah 
2008Explicit Formula for the Inverse of a Tridiagonal Matrix by Backward Continued FractionsKılıç, Emrah 
Jul-2019Explicit Spectrum of a Circulant-Tridiagonal Matrix With ApplicationsKılıç, Emrah ; Yalçıner, Aynur
2011Factorizations and Representations of Binary Polynomial Recurrences by Matrix MethodsKılıç, Emrah ; Stanica, Pantelimon
2009Factorizations of the Pascal Matrix Via a Generalized Second Order Recurrent MatrixKılıç, E. ; Ömür, Neşe; Tatar, G.; Ulutaş, Yücel Türker
2023Fibonomial and Lucanomial Sums Through Well-Poised Q-SeriesChu, W.; Kılıç, Emrah 
2011A Formula for the Generating Functions of Powers of Horadam's Sequence With Two Additional ParametersKılıç, Emrah ; Ulutaş, Yücel Türker; Ömür, Neşe
Apr-2018Formulae for Two Weighted Binomial Identities With the Falling FactorialsKılıç, Emrah ; Ömür, Neşe; Koparal, Sibel
2011Formulas for Fibonomial Sums With Generalized Fibonacci and Lucas CoefficientsKılıç, Emrah ; Prodinger, Helmut; Akkuş, I.; Ohtsuka, H.
2008Formulas for Sums of Generalized Order-K Fibonacci Type Sequences by Matrix MethodsKılıç, Emrah 
2012Formulas for Weighted Binomial Sums Using the Powers of Terms of Binary RecurrencesKılıç, Emrah ; Ulutaş, Yücel Türker; Ömür, Neşe
2015Formulas for binomial sums including powers of fibonacci and lucas numbersKılıç, Emrah ; Akkuş, İlker; Ömür, Neşe; Ulutaş, Yücel Türker
Jun-2020Formulæ for Multi-Parameter Gaussian Q-Binomial Sums With ApplicationsKılıç, Emrah ; Prodinger, Helmut
Jun-2015Formulæ Related To the Q-Dixon Formula With Applications To Fibonomial SumsKılıç, Emrah ; Prodinger, Helmut
2024A Four Parameter Extension To the Clement Matrix and Its Role in Numerical Software TestingAlazemi, A.; Hopkins, T.; Kılıç, E. 
2013General Approach in Computing Sums of Products of Binary SequencesKılıç, E. ; Stanica, Pantelimon
Mar-2014A Generalization of a Conjecture of MelhamKılıç, Emrah ; Akkuş, İlker; Prodinger, Helmut
Nov-2014Generalized Binary Recurrent Quasi-Cyclic MatricesKılıç, Emrah ; Ulutaş, Yücel; Akkuş, İlker; Ömür, Neşe
2006The Generalized Binet Formula, Representation and Sums of the Generalized Order-K Pell NumbersKılıç, Emrah ; Taşcı, Dursun
Dec-2016Generalized Binomial Convolution of the Mth Powers of the Consecutive Integers With the General Fibonacci SequenceKılıç, Emrah ; Akkuş, İlker; Ömür, Neşe; Ulutaş, Yücel Türker
2010The Generalized Fibonomial MatrixKılıç, Emrah 
Sep-2016The Generalized Lilbert MatrixKılıç, Emrah ; Prodinger, Helmut
2008Generalized Order-k Fibonacci And Lucas FunctionsKılıç, Emrah ; Taşcı, Dursun
2007The Generalized Order-K Fibonacci-Pell Sequence by Matrix MethodsKılıç, Emrah 
2009The Generalized Pell (p, I)-Numbers and Their Binet Formulas, Combinatorial Representations, SumsKılıç, Emrah 
Oct-2014The Generalized Q-Pilbert MatrixKılıç, Emrah ; Prodinger, Helmut
2016The Generalized Reciprocal Super Catalan MatrixKılıç, Emrah ; Arıkan, Talha
Sep-2017Generalized double binomial sums families by generating functionsKılıç, Emrah ; Belbachir, Hacene
2009Generating Matrices for Weighted Sums of Second Order Linear RecurrencesKılıç, Emrah ; Stanica, Pantelimon
2023Harmony of Asymmetric Variants of the Filbert and Lilbert Matrices in Q-FormKılıç, E. ; Erşanlı, D.
2016Identities With Squares of Binomial Coefficients: an Elementary and Explicit ApproachKılıç, Emrah ; Prodinger, Helmut
Aug-2020The Interesting Spectral Interlacing Property for a Certain Tridiagonal Matrixda Fonseca, Carlos M.; Kılıç, Emrah ; Pereira, Antonio
2013The Inverse of Banded MatricesKılıç, Emrah ; Stanica, Pantelimon
2024Inverses and Determinants of Three Classes of Hankel MatricesChu, Wenchang; Kılıç, Emrah 
2009İkinci Basamaktan İndirgeme Dizileri ile Hessenberg Determinantların KarakterizasyonuYalçın, Menşur Tuğba
2014Lagrange-burmann Ters Çevirme Formülü ve Kombinatorikte UygulamalarıÖztürk, Halit
2024Left and Right Eigenvectors of a Variant of the Sylvester-Kac MatrixWenchang,C.H.U.; Kılıç, Emrah 
2010The Lehmer Matrix and Its Recursive AnalogueKılıç, E. ; Stanic, P.
2019Lineer İndirgeme Dizilerinin Bazı Ters Toplamlarının HesaplanmasıErsanlı, Didem
2011A Matrix Approach for General Higher Order Linear RecurrencesKılıç, Emrah ; Stanica, Pantelimon
2012A Matrix Approach for Generalizing Two Curious Divisibility PropertiesKılıç, Emrah 
Feb-2020A Matrix Approach To Some Second-Order Difference Equations With Sign-Alternating CoefficientsAndelic, Milica; Du, Zhibin; da Fonseca, Carlos M.; Kılıç, Emrah 
2017The Matrix of Super Patalan Numbers and Its FactorizationsKılıç, Emrah ; Prodinger, Helmut
2009Matrix Representation of the Second Order Recurrence {u(kn)}Kılıç, Emrah ; Ömür, Nese; Ulutaş, Yücel Türker
2009More General Identities Involving the Terms of {w-N(a,b;p,q)}Kılıç, Emrah ; Tan, Elif
2013More on the Infinite Sum of Reciprocal Fibonacci, Pell and Higher Order RecurrencesKılıç, Emrah ; Arıkan, Talha
2010Negatively Subscripted Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers and Their Complex FactorizationsKılıç, E. ; Taşcı, Dursun
2-Apr-2020New Analogues of the Filbert and Lilbert Matrices Via Products of Two K-Tuples Asymmetric EntriesKılıç, Emrah ; Ömür, Neşe; Koparal, Sibel
Jun-2019New Asymmetric Generalizations of the Filbert and Lilbert MatricesKılıç, Emrah ; Koparal, Sibel; Ömür, Neşe
2019New Binomial Double Sums With Products of Fibonacci and Lucas NumbersKılıç, Emrah ; Taşdemir, Funda
2019New Binomial Double Sums With Products Op Fibonacci and Lucas NumbersKılıç, Emrah ; Taşdemir, Funda
Apr-2020New Filbert and Lilbert Matrices With Asymmetric EntriesBozdağ, Hacer; Kılıç, Emrah ; Akkuş, İlker
2019New Reciprocal Sums Involving Finite Products of Second Order RecursionsKılıç, Emrah ; Ersanlı, Didem
Jul-2014New Sums Identities in Weighted Catalan Triangle With the Powers of Generalized Fibonacci and Lucas NumbersKılıç, Emrah ; Yalçıner, Aynur
2021A New Type of Sylvester–kac Matrix and Its SpectrumKılıç, Emrah ; da Fonseca, C. M.
Jan-2019A Nonlinear Generalization of the Filbert Matrix and Its Lucas AnalogueKılıç, Emrah ; Arıkan, Talha
2020Nonlinear Variants of the Generalized Filbert and Lilbert MatricesKılıç, Emrah ; Koparal, Sibel; Ömür, Neşe
Aug-2019A Nonsymmetrical Matrix and Its FactorizationsArıkan, Talha; Kılıç, Emrah ; Prodinger, Helmut
Feb-2014A Note on the Conjecture of Ramirez and SirventKılıç, Emrah ; Prodinger, Helmut
Mar-2020An Observation on the Determinant of a Sylvester-Kac Type Matrixda Fonseca, Carlos M.; Kılıç, Emrah 
2008On a Constant-Diagonals MatrixKılıç, Emrah 
2017On Alternating Weighted Binomıal Sums With Falling FactorıalsKılıç, Emrah ; Ömür, Neşe; Koparal, Sibel
Apr-2019On Binomial Double Sums With Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers-IKılıç, Emrah ; Taşdemir, Funda
Apr-2019On Binomial Double Sums With Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers-IiKılıç, Emrah ; Taşdemir, Funda
2008On Families of Bipartite Graphs Associated With Sums of Fibonacci and Lucas NumbersKılıç, Emrah ; Taşcı, Dursun
2010On Families of Bipartite Graphs Associated With Sums of Generalized Order-K Fibonacci and Lucas NumbersKılıç, Emrah ; Taşcı, Dursun