Browsing by Subject adult

Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Clozapine-Associated Sialorrhea: A Literature ReviewGürcan G.; Atalay B.; Deveci E.
2022Comparison of Two Sedation Protocols on Intraocular Pressure and Hemodynamic Responses During ColonoscopyBayraktaroglu M.; Kurtay A.; Horasanli E.
2023Conservative Treatment of a Unicystic Ameloblastoma by Marsupialization With a Favorable Response: a Case Report and Review of the LiteratureDemir, E.; Gunhan, O.
2022Detection of Blastocystis Subtypes in Children With Functional Abdominal Pain and Celiac Disease in Çorum, TurkeyGüreser A.S.; Comba A.; Karasartova D.; Kosar N.; Keskin A.; Stensvold C.R.; Taylan-Ozkan A. 
2022Educational Needs in Post Graduate Public Health Medicine Specialty Training in Novel Coronavirus Disease (covid-19) FightÖzyurda F.; Aslan D.
2022Effect of the Shelving Technique on the Outcome of Embolization in Intracranial Bifurcation AneurysmsCay F.; Arat A.
2022The Efficacy of Biofeedback Therapy in Patients With Solitary Rectal Ulcer and Dyssynergic DefecationArl, D.; Öztürk, O.; Özin, Y.; Tenlik, İ.; Bacakslz, F.; Gökbulut, V.; Akdo?an, M.
2022Evaluation of Lipocalin-2 and Twist Expression in Thyroid Cancers and Its Relationship With Epithelial Mesenchymal TransitionCelepli P.; Bigat, İrem; Karabulut S.; Celepli S.; Hücümenoğlu S.
2021Examining Psychological Resilience and Posttraumatic Growth Following Terrorist Attacks in Turkeyİkizer, Gözde ; Ozel E.P.
2022How Effective Are Apri, Fib-4, Fib-5 Scores in Predicting Liver Fibrosis in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients?Sapmaz F.P.; Büyükturan G.; Sakin Y.S.; Kalkan I.H.; Atasoy P.
2024Investigation of Ff-Mas Oxysterole’s Role in Follicular Development and Its Relation To Hedgehog Signal PathwayZırh S.; Bahador Zırh E.; Erol S.; Karakoç Sökmensüer L.; Bozdağ G.; Müftüoğlu S.F.
2023Localization of Epileptic Focus by Gray Matter Reduction Analysis From Brain Mr Images for Temporal Lobe Epilepsy PatientsFicici, C.; Telatar, Z.; Eroğul, O.
2024Multichannel Multimodal Piezoelectric Middle Ear Implant Concept Based on Mems Technology for Next-Generation Fully Implantable Cochlear Implant ApplicationsPirim, F.; Atik, A.C.; Yüksel, M.B.; Yılmaz, A.M.; Uğur, M.B.; Tunalı, S. ; Batu, A.
2021Pandemic-Triggered Aberrant Drug Use May Cause Failure of Antiepileptic TherapyŞekerlisoy, Manolya Bergüzar; Taşkıran Sağ, Aslıhan 
2014Radiation Dose Reduction in Thorax CtKoç, Gizem Gül; Kokangül, Ali; Hanalioğlu, Tahir 
2024Relative Income Concerns and Smoking Behaviour: the Role of Unobserved HeterogeneityAkay, A.; Caner, A.
2023Results of Sphenopalatine Ganglion Pulsed Radio-Frequency Treatment in Patients Suffering From Episodic Cluster HeadacheAkkemik, Ü.; Aliyev, D.; Özgencil, G.E.
2022Subacute Neurological Sequelae in Mild Covid-19 OutpatientsTaşkıran Sağ, Aslıhan ; Eroğlu, Erdal ; Canlar, Şule; Poyraz, Mustafa Barış; Özülken, Kemal; Mumcuoğlu, Tarkan; Numanoğlu, Numan 
2023Türkiye'deki Kırık Hastaları için Sağlık Hizmetleri Planlamasının İyileştirilmesi: Ülke Çapında Bir Araştırmadan İçgörülerBirinci, Ş.; Bingol, I.; Bakırcıoğlu, S.; Oral, M.; Yılmaz, E.T.; Yaşar, N.E.; Ata, N.