Browsing by Author Amin, Moeness G.

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Diversified Radar Micro-Doppler Simulations as Training Data for Deep Residual Neural NetworksSeyfioğlu, Mehmet Saygın; Erol, Barış; Gürbüz, Sevgi Zübeyde; Amin, Moeness G.
Dec-2019Dnn Transfer Learning From Diversified Micro-Doppler for Motion ClassificationSeyfioğlu, Mehmet Saygın; Erol, Barış; Gürbüz, Sevgi Zübeyde; Amin, Moeness G.
2019Radar-Based Human-Motion Recognition With Deep Learning Promising Applications for Indoor MonitoringGürbüz, Sevgi Zübeyde; Amin, Moeness G.