Browsing by Author Konuk, Zeynep Üstünyurt

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Relationship Between Early Respiratory Support and Neurodevelopment in Extremely Low Birth Weight InfantsKeser, Merve Küçükoğlu; Canpolat, Fuat; Kutman, H.; Beşer Özmen, Esra; Büyüktiryaki, Mehmet; Şimşek, Gülsüm; Eras, Zeynep; Konuk, Zeynep Üstünyurt
Aug-2023TOBB ETÜ Pediatri Sempozyum kitabı, 9-10 Haziran 2023, AnkaraAkar, Mehmet Nejat ; Konuk, Zeynep Üstünyurt
Apr-2023Uzamış COVİDAkar, M. Nejat