Browsing by Author Solanki, Kiran N.

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009Improving the Accuracy of Vehicle Crashworthiness Response Predictions Using an Ensemble of MetamodelsAcar, Erdem ; Solanki, Kiran N.
2010Shape and Sizing Optimisation of Automotive Structures With Deterministic and Probabilistic Design ConstraintsRais-Rohani, Masoud; Solanki, Kiran N.; Acar, Erdem ; Eamon, Christopher D.
2010Stochastic Uncertainty Analysis of Damage Evolution Computed Through Microstructure-Property RelationsAcar, Erdem ; Solanki, Kiran N.; Rais-Rohani, Masoud; Horstemeyer, Mark F.
2009System Reliability Based Vehicle Design for Crashworthiness and Effects of Various Uncertainty Reduction MeasuresAcar, Erdem ; Solanki, Kiran N.