| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
81 | 2004 | A Class of Attractions/Repulsion Functions for Stable Swarm Aggregations | Gazi, Veysel ; Passino, Kevin M. |
82 | Jun-2020 | Classification of Electronic Devices With Power-Swept Signals Using Harmonic Radar | Hayvacı, Harun Taha ; İlbeği, Handan; Yetik, İmam Şamil |
83 | 2014 | Cloud Technology and Performance Improvement With Intserv Over Diffserv for Cloud Computing | Yıldırım, Abdullah Sinan; Girici, Tolga |
84 | 2015 | Clustering and Frequency Allocation in Frequency Hopping Tactical Networks | Aziz, Ravşan; Kılıç, Gökhan; Girici, Tolga ; Numanoğlu, Tolga; Yenihayat, Güven; Koca, Halime |
85 | 2014 | Clustering in Cellular M2m Communications | Kılıç, Gökhan; Girici, Tolga |
86 | 2019 | Clustering-Based Device-To Cache Placement | Kazez, Ahmet Cihat; Girici, Tolga |
87 | 2011 | Compact Coupling of Light From Conventional Photonic Wire To Slow Light Waveguides | Üstün, Kadir; Kurt, Hamza |
88 | 2021 | A Compact High Frequency Voltage Amplifier for Superconductor-Semiconductor Logic Interface | Razmkhah, Sasan ; Bozbey, Ali ; Febvre, Pascal |
89 | 2014 | Compact Rainbow Trapping and Demultiplexing by Photonic Crystal Waveguides | Giden, İbrahim Halil; Kurt, Hamza ; Turduev, Mirbek; Staliunas, Kestutis |
90 | 2011 | Compact Wavelength De-Multiplexer Design Using Slow Light Regime of Photonic Crystal Waveguides | Akosman, Ahmet Emin; Mutlu, Mehmet ; Kurt, Hamza ; Özbay, Ekmel |
91 | Dec-2017 | Comparative Analysis of Load-Shaping Privacy Preservation Strategies in a Smart Grid | Kement, Cihan Emre; Gültekin, Hakan ; Tavlı, Bülent ; Girici, Tolga ; Uludağ, Süleyman |
92 | Nov-2017 | Comparative Analysis of Performance of the Sepic Converter Using Lqr and Pid Controllers | Sel, Artun; Güneş, Uygar; Elbir, Ö.; Kasnakoğlu, Coşku |
93 | 2021 | Comparative Study of an Ekf-Based Parameter Estimation and a Nonlinear Optimization-Based Estimation on Pmsm System Identification | Sel, Artun; Sel, Bilgehan; Coşkun, Ümit; Kasnakoğlu, Coşku |
94 | May-2017 | Comparing and Developing Pid and Sliding Mode Controllers for Quadrotor | Cömert, Ceren; Kasnakoğlu, Coşku |
95 | 2009 | A Comparison of Anfis, Mlp and Svm in Identification of Chemical Processes | Efe, Mehmet Önder |
96 | 2008 | A Comparison of Architectural Varieties in Radial Basis Function Neural Networks | Efe, Mehmet Önder ; Kasnakoğlu, Coşku |
97 | 2020 | A Comparison of H-Infinity and Feedback Linearization for Rotary Inverted Pendulum | Güneş, Uygar; Sel, Artun; Kürkçü, Burak; Kasnakoğlu, Coşku |
98 | Jul-2020 | A Comparison of H8-Synthesis and Feedback Linearization for Rotary Inverted Pendulum | Güneş, U.; Sel, Artun; Kürkçü, B.; Kasnakoğlu, Coşku |
99 | 2010 | A Comparison of Networked Approximators in Parallel Mode Identification of a Bioreactor | Efe, Mehmet Önder |
100 | 2008 | Comparison of Three Orientation Agreement Strategies in Self-Propelled Particle Systems With Turn Angle Restrictions in Synchronous and Asynchronous Settings | Şamiloğlu, Andaç T.; Gazi, Veysel ; Koku, A. Buğra |