02.2. Department of Biomedical Engineering

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 181-200 of 221 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
181Oct-2016Protein-Releasing Conductive Anodized Alumina Membranes for Nerve-Interface MaterialsAltuntaş, Sevde; Büyükserin, Fatih ; Haider, Ali; Altınok, Büket; Bıyıkli, Necmi; Aslim, Belma
182Dec-2019Quality Changes of Hazelnut Kernels Subjected To Different Cold Plasmas and Gamma Irradiation TreatmentsUlusoy, Baran Önal; Şen, Yasin; Mutlu, Mehmet 
183Mar-2017The Quantitative Analysis of Uvulopalatal Flap SurgeryErdamar, Aykut; Bayrak, Tuncay; Fırat, Hikmet; Mutlu, Murad; Ardıç, Sadık; Eroğul, Osman 
184Jun-2019Quartz Tuning Fork as a Mass Sensitive Biosensor Platform With a Bi-Layer Film Modification Via Plasma PolymerizationÖzgüzar, Hatice Ferda; Can, Gizem Kaleli; Kabay, Gözde; Mutlu, Mehmet 
1852021Radiomics-Machine Learning Analysis for Discrimination of Malign and Benign Breast Lesions on Mammography ImagesAkkur, Erkan; Lafcı, Oğuz; Özdemir, Galip; Öztekin, Pelin Seher; Eroğul, Osman ; Celepli, Pınar; Kosar, Pınar Nercis
1862017Relationship Between Paraoxonase 1 (pon1) Promoter (-107t/C) and Coding Region Polymorphisms (192q/R and 55l/M) and Pseudoexfoliation SyndromeCan Demirdöğen, Birsen ; Yakar, G.; Göksoy, E.; Demirkaya, S.; Koçan, Canan; Özge, G.; Mumcuoğlu, T.
72021Role of Intercalation in the Electrical Properties of Nucleic Acids for Use in Molecular ElectronicsMohammad, Hashem; Demir, Buşra; Akın, Çağlanaz; Luan, Binquan; Hihath, Joshua; Ören, Ersin Emre ; Anantram, M. P.
82011Room Temperature Large-Area Nanoimprinting for Broadband Biomimetic Antireflection SurfacesDeniz, Hakan; Khudiyev, Tural; Büyükserin, Fatih ; Bayındır, Mehmet
91-Jun-2018Simultaneous Insulation and Modification of Quartz Tuning Fork Surface by Single-Step Plasma Polymerization Technique With Amine-Rich PrecursorsKaleli Can, Gizem; Özgüzar, Hatice Ferda; Kabay, Gözde; Kömürcü, Pelin; Mutlu, Mehmet 
102022Single Nucleotide Variants Around the Connective Tissue Growth Factor (ctgf/Ccn2) Gene and Their Association With Multiple Sclerosis Risk, Disability Scores, and Rate of Disease ProgressionCan Demirdöğen, Birsen ; Kilic, Osman Oguzhan; Karagulle, Elif Naz; Kalmaz, Latife Mekselina; Mungan, Semra
112021Single-Step Amphoteric Surface Modification Through Plasma Polymerization: Antifouling Coating for Titanium SubstrateÖzgüzar, Hatice Ferda; Meydan, Ahmet Ersin; Göçmen, Julide Sedef ; Mutlu, Mehmet 
122015Sinir Doku Mühendisliği için Karbon Nanotüp Membran Kullanımının AraştırılmasıBüyükserin, Fatih ; Aslım, Belma
132018Skolyoz tedavisi için akıllı implant çubuklarErbay Elibol, Fatma Kübra 
142019Smart Tourniquet System for Military UseBudak, Erdem; Beytar, Faruk; Ünlü, Aytekin; Eroğul, Osman 
152018Smart Tourniquet Systems for Military and Civilian ApplicationsEroğul, Osman 
162013Soft Biomimetic Tapered Nanostructures for Large-Area Antireflective Surfaces and Sers SensingDağlar, Bihter; Khudiyev, Tural; Demirel, Gökçen Birlik; Büyükserin, Fatih ; Bayındır, Mehmet
172015Solunum Hızı Değişkenliği Sinyallerinden Apnenin Öngörülmesi İçin Öznitelik BelirlemeBudak, Erdem İnanç; Beytar, Faruk; Eroğul, Osman 
18Sep-2020Static and Dynamic Mechanical Performance of Short Kevlar Fiber Reinforced Composites Fabricated Via Direct Ink WritingNawafleh, Nashat; Erbay Elibol, Fatma Kübra ; Aljaghtham, Mutabe; Oflaz, Emre; Ciciriello, Andrew J.; Dumont, Courtney M.; Dauer, Edward; Görgülüarslan, Recep Muhammet ; Demir, Teyfik ; Çelik, Emrah
192023Statistical Analysis of Infant Thermal Support Devices: Performance Evaluation in Heating and Energy ConsumptionGokcinar, C.; Citak, S.; Erogul, O. 
20Dec-2013Sterilization of Food Contacting Surfaces Via Non-Thermal Plasma Treatment: a Model Study With Escherichia Coli-Contaminated Stainless Steel and Polyethylene SurfacesŞen, Yasin; Mutlu, Mehmet