04.04. Department of Political Science and International Relations

Organization name
04.04. Department of Political Science and International Relations

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 61-80 of 125 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
612021Karakutuyu Açmak: Dış Politika Analizine Yeni Yaklaşımlar
62Oct-2016Kitap İncelemesi: Dünden Bugüne Aile, Kent, Nüfus (ferhunde Özbay)
632012Leading the Wave of Changes; Turkish Foreign Policy in the Near- and Middle East
642021Managing the Us-Turkey Security Relationship: Structured Transactionalism Within a Dual Framework
65Oct-2014Measuring Assimilation: 'mother Tongue' Question in Turkish Censuses and Nationalist Policy
66Nov-2013A Military History of the Ottomans: From Osman To Ataturk
672022Minorities and Minority Rights in Turkey: From the Ottoman Empire To the Present State
82020Mitos, Hikaye ve Perde: Reha Erdem Sinemasına Kısa Bir Bakış
92023Mübadil Osmanlı: 1923 Mübadelesinin Kökenleri
102022Nationality, a History of Numbers: Politics and Statistics in Central Europe (1848-1919)
112022Nükleer Anlaşma Bağlamında İran-abd İlişkilerinde Fırsat ve Krizler: 2013-2018 Dönemine Yeniden Bakış
122022Nükleer Anlaşma Sonrası İran Nükleer Krizi: Yeni Dinamikler, Olası Güzergahlar
13Jan-2016On Governing the Syrian Refugee Crisis Collectively: the View From Turkey
142022Orta Doğu ve Kuzey Afrika Siyaseti: Aktörler ve Süreçler
152022Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun Dünya Algısı: Gaza, Dönüşüm ve Medeniyet
162022Ottoman Empire and Africa in the Age of Colonial Expansion Appreciating the Loyalty of African Muslims, Debating Colonial Rupture
172021Ottoman Empire and Africa in the Age of Colonial Expansion: Appreciating the Loyalty of African Muslims, Debating Colonial Rupture
18Mar-2020Ottoman Parliamentary System and Minorities: Democratizing Conflicts?
192012Ottoman Travelers' Perceptions of Africa in the Late Ottoman Empire (1860-1922): a Discussion of Civilization, Colonialism and Race
202013The Ottoman Travellers' Perceptions of the Far East in the Early Twentieth Century