07.03. Department of Mathematics

Organization name
07.03. Department of Mathematics

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 1-20 of 244 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Jul-2017An Algorithm for Hopf Bifurcation Analysis of a Delayed Reaction-Diffusion ModelKayan, S.; Merdan, Hüseyin 
2Jan-2013An Algorithm for the Solution of Second Order Fuzzy Initial Value ProblemAkın, Ömer ; Khaniyev, Tahir ; Oruc, O.; Türkşen, İ. B.
32009Allee Effects on Population Dynamics in Continuous (overlapping) CaseMerdan, Hüseyin ; Duman, O. ; Akın, Ömer ; Çelik, C.
42008Allee Effects on Population Dynamics With DelayÇelik, Canan; Merdan, Hüseyin ; Duman, O. ; Akın, Ömer 
52011Alternating Sums of the Powers of Fibonacci and Lucas NumbersKılıç, Emrah ; Ömür, Neşe; Ulutaş, Yücel Türker
6Jun-2020Analysis of an Epidemic Model for Transmitted Disease in Two Age ClassesGölgeli, Meltem ; Atay, F. M.
72009Analytical and Numerical Methods for the Cmkdv-Ii EquationAkın, Ömer ; Ozugurlu, Ersin
82018An Analytical Approach: Explicit Inverses of Periodic Tridiagonal MatricesHopkins, Tim; Kılıç, Emrah 
92022Analytically Explicit Inverse of a Kind of Periodic Tridiagonal Matrix Using a Backward Continued Fraction ApproachHopkins, T.; Kiliç, E. 
102012Application of Geometric Approach for Fuzzy Linear Systems To a Fuzzy Input-Output AnalysisGasilov, Nizami; Amrahov, Şahin Emrah; Fatullayev, Afet Golayoğlu; Karakas, Halil İbrahim; Akın, Ömer 
11Feb-2019Asset Price Dynamics for a Two-Asset Market SystemBulut, Hakan; Merdan, Hüseyin ; Swigon, D.
122007Asset Price Dynamics With Heterogeneous GroupsÇağınalp, G.; Merdan, Hüseyin 
132014Asymmetric Generalizations of the Filbert Matrix and VariantsKılıç, Emrah ; Prodinger, Helmut
142017Bifurcation Analysis of a Modified Tumor-Immune System Interaction Model Involving Time DelayKayan, S.; Merdan, Hüseyin ; Yafia, R.; Göktepe, S.
152016Bifurcation Analysis of a Single-Group Asset Flow ModelMerdan, Hüseyin ; Caginalp, G.; Troy, W. C.
16Jun-2015Bifurcation and Stability in a Delayed Predator-Prey Model With Mixed Functional ResponsesYafia, R.; Aziz-Alaoui, M. A.; Merdan, Hüseyin ; Tewa, J. J.
172008The Binet Formula, Sums and Representations of Generalized Fibonacci P-NumbersKılıç, Emrah 
182011Binomial Identities Involving the Generalized Fibonacci Type PolynomialsKılıç, Emrah ; Irmak, Nurettin
192021Binomial Sums Involving Catalan NumbersChu, Wenchang; Kılıç, Emrah 
202024Binomial Sums Involving Second-Order Linearly Recurrent SequencesCampbell, J.M.; Kiliç, E.