02.3. Department of Computer Engineering

Organization name
02.3. Department of Computer Engineering
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 1-20 of 345 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Mar-20172d and 3d Shape Retrieval Using Skeleton Filling RateŞirin, Yahya; Demirci, Muhammed Fatih 
220153d Shape Recognition: Enhanced Skeletal PointsŞirin, Yahya; Demirci, Muhammed Fatih 
32013Adapting the Columns of Storage Components for Lower Static Energy DissipationAykenar, Mehmet Burak; Özgür, Muhammet; Şimşek, Osman Seçkin; Ergin, Oğuz 
42012An Adaptive Smoothing Method for Sensor Noise in Augmented Reality Applications on SmartphonesÖzcan, R.; Orhan, F.; Demirci, Muhammed Fatih ; Abul, O. 
52017Age Classification Using an Optimized Cnn ArchitectureAydoğdu, M. Fatih; Demirci, Muhammed Fatih 
62020Analysis and Evaluation of Keystroke Dynamics as a Feature of Contextual AuthenticationBıçakcı, Kemal ; Salman, O.; Uzunay Y.; Tan, M. 
7Oct-2018An Analysis Drdos Amplifiers in EuropeErcan, Emre Murat; Selçuk, Ali Aydın 
82021An Analysis of Ethereum Smart Contract VulnerabilitiesUsman T.A.; Selçuk, Ali Aydın ; Ozarslan S.
9Dec-2014Analysis of Seam-Carving Anonymization of Images Against Prnu Noise Pattern-Based Source AttributionDirik, Ahmet Emir; Sencar, Hüsrev Taha ; Memon, Nasir
102016Analysis of the Effect of Image Resolution on Automatic Face Gender and Age ClassificationCerit, Betül; Bölük, S. Arda; Demirci, Muhammed Fatih 
112020Annotator Rationales for Labeling Tasks in CrowdsourcingKutlu, Mücahid ; McDonnell, T.; Elsayed, T. C.; Lease, M.
122014Anonymity in Multi-Instance Micro-Data PublicationAbul, Osman 
132010Anonymization of Moving Objects Databases by Clustering and PerturbationAbul, Osman ; Bonchi, Francesco; Nanni, Mirco
142021Anonymous Location Sharing in Urban Area MobilityAbul, Osman ; Bitirgen, Ozan Berk
1515-Mar-2014Anonymous Trace and RevokeAk, Murat; Pehlivanoğlu, Serdar; Selçuk, Ali Aydın 
162023An Architectural Framework for the Allocation Resources in Emergency Management SystemsYazar, U.T.; Akşit, M. 
17Sep-2020Are We Secure From Bots? Investigating Vulnerabilities of BotometerTorusdağ, Buğra M.; Kutlu, Mücahid ; Selçuk, Ali Aydın 
18Jul-2020Artest: the First Test Collection for Arabic Web Search With Relevance RationalesHasanain, M.; Barkallah, Y.; Suwaileh, R.; Kutlu, Mücahid ; Elsayed, T.
192008Assessment of Composite Motif Discovery MethodsKlepper, Kjetil; Sandve, Geir K.; Abul, Osman ; Johansen, Jostein; Drablos, Finn
202013Audio Codec Identification From Coded and Transcoded AudiosHiçsönmez, Samet; Sencar, Hüsrev Taha ; Avcıbaş, İsmail