Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2007 | Asset Price Dynamics With Heterogeneous Groups | Çağınalp, G.; Merdan, Hüseyin |
2011 | Approximations by Linear Operators in Spaces of Fuzzy Continuous Functions | Burgin, Mark; Duman, Oktay |
2009 | Approximation Theorems by Meyer-Konig and Zeller Type Operators | Özarslan, M. Ali; Duman, Oktay |
2008 | Approximation Properties of Poisson Integrals for Orthogonal Expansions | Özarslan, Mehmet Ali; Duman, Oktay |
2012 | Approximation Properties of Real and Complex Post-Widder Operators Based on Q-Integers | Ünal, Zafer; Özarslan, Mehmet Ali; Duman, Oktay |
2006 | Approximation of Continuous Periodic Functions Via Statistical Convergence | Duman, O. ; Erkuş, E. |
2010 | Approximation in Statistical Sense To B-Continuous Functions by Positive Linear Operators | Dirik, Fadime; Duman, Oktay ; Demirci, Kamil |
2012 | Application of Geometric Approach for Fuzzy Linear Systems To a Fuzzy Input-Output Analysis | Gasilov, Nizami; Amrahov, Şahin Emrah; Fatullayev, Afet Golayoğlu; Karakas, Halil İbrahim; Akın, Ömer |
2017 | Application and Implementation of Incorporating Local Boundary Conditions Into Nonlocal Problems | Aksoylu, Burak; Beyer, Horst Reinhard; Çeliker, Fatih |
2009 | Analytical and Numerical Methods for the Cmkdv-Ii Equation | Akın, Ömer ; Ozugurlu, Ersin |
2013 | An Integral-Equation Solver for the Simulation of Two-Dimensional Metallic Nanoplasmonic Gratings | Kürkçü, H.; Reitich, F.; Ortan, A. |
2014 | An Accurate Asymptotic Approximation and Precise Numerical Solution of Highly Sensitive Troesch's Problem | Temimi, H.; Kürkçü, H. |
2011 | Alternating Sums of the Powers of Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers | Kılıç, Emrah ; Ömür, Neşe; Ulutaş, Yücel Türker |
2006 | An Abstract Version of the Korovkin Approximation Theorem | Duman, Oktay ; Orhan, Cihan |
2009 | Allee Effects on Population Dynamics in Continuous (overlapping) Case | Merdan, Hüseyin ; Duman, O. ; Akın, Ömer ; Çelik, C. |
2008 | Allee Effects on Population Dynamics With Delay | Çelik, Canan; Merdan, Hüseyin ; Duman, O. ; Akın, Ömer |
2009 | Allee effect in a discrete-time predator-prey system | Çelik, Canan; Duman, Oktay |
2011 | A Voronovskaya-type formula for SMK operators via statistical convergence | Aral, Ali; Duman, Oktay |
2012 | A Prey Predator Model With Fuzzy Initial Values | Akın, Ömer ; Oruc, Ömer |
2012 | A New Class of Quaternary Lcz Sequence Sets | Özbudak, Ferruh; Saygı, Elif; Saygı, Zülfükar |