Matematik Bölümü / Department of Mathematics : [365] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 221 to 240 of 365
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Fuzzy Modelling of Covid-19 in Turkey and Some Countries in the WorldBaldemir, Harun; Akın, Agah; Akın, Ömer 
Oct-2020Q-Binomial Formulae of Dixon`s Type and the Fibonomial SumsChu, Wenchang; Kılıç, Emrah 
Aug-2020K-Fibonacci Cubes: a Family of Subgraphs of Fibonacci CubesEğecioğlu, Ömer; Saygı, Elif; Saygı, Zülfükar 
2020Stability and Zero-Hopf Bifurcation Analysis of a Tumour and T-Helper Cells Interaction Model in the Case of Hiv InfectionKarahisarlı, Gamzegül; Merdan, Hüseyin ; Tridane, Abdessamad
Mar-2020An Observation on the Determinant of a Sylvester-Kac Type Matrixda Fonseca, Carlos M.; Kılıç, Emrah 
2020Results on the Domination Number and the Total Domination Number of Lucas CubesSaygı, Zülfükar 
Aug-2020The Interesting Spectral Interlacing Property for a Certain Tridiagonal Matrixda Fonseca, Carlos M.; Kılıç, Emrah ; Pereira, Antonio
Aug-2020Complex Dynamics of a Discrete-Time Prey-Predator System With Leslie Type: Stability, Bifurcation Analyses and ChaosBaydemir, Pınar; Merdan, Hüseyin ; Karaoğlu, Esra; Sucu, Gökçe
2020Characterization of Absolute and Uniform ContinuityAslan, İsmail; Duman, Oktay 
2020On the Chromatic Polynomial and the Domination Number of K-Fibonacci CubesEğecioğlu, Ömer; Saygı, Elif; Saygı, Zülfükar 
2021A New Type of Sylvester–kac Matrix and Its SpectrumKılıç, Emrah ; da Fonseca, C. M.
Apr-2019On Binomial Double Sums With Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers-IiKılıç, Emrah ; Taşdemir, Funda
2020Evaluation of Sums of Products of Gaussian Q-Binomial Coefficients With Rational Weight FunctionsArıkan, Talha; Kılıç, Emrah ; Prodinger, Helmut
2019Cubic Sums of Q-Binomial Coefficients and the Fibonomial CoefficientsChu, Wenchang; Kılıç, Emrah 
2019New Reciprocal Sums Involving Finite Products of Second Order RecursionsKılıç, Emrah ; Ersanlı, Didem
Sep-2015Bounds on the Expected Value of Maximum Loss of Fractional Brownian MotionAcar, Ceren Vardar ; Bulut, Hatice
2020Nonlinear Variants of the Generalized Filbert and Lilbert MatricesKılıç, Emrah ; Koparal, Sibel; Ömür, Neşe
Feb-2020A Matrix Approach To Some Second-Order Difference Equations With Sign-Alternating CoefficientsAndelic, Milica; Du, Zhibin; da Fonseca, Carlos M.; Kılıç, Emrah 
Jul-2020Modified Neural Network Operators and Their Convergence Properties With Summability MethodsTürkün, Can; Duman, Oktay 
Apr-2020New Filbert and Lilbert Matrices With Asymmetric EntriesBozdağ, Hacer; Kılıç, Emrah ; Akkuş, İlker
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 221 to 240 of 365