Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
Jan-2014 | Rational Points of the Curve Over | Özbudak, Ferruh; Saygı, Zülfükar |
Apr-2020 | Powers Sums of the First and Second Kinds of Chebyshev Polynomials | Kılıç, Emrah ; Koparal, Sibel; Ömür, Neşe |
Mar-2020 | Approximation by Nonlinear Integral Operators Via Summability Process | Aslan, İsmail; Duman, Oktay |
2016 | Intelligent Mathematics Ii: Applied Mathematics and Approximation Theory | |
2018 | Some Results on Hausdorff Metric for Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets | Akın, Ömer ; Bayeğ, Selami |
2016 | An Indicator Operator Algorithm for Solving a Second Order Intuitionistic Fuzzy Initial Value Problem | Akın, Ömer ; Bayeğ, Selami |
2019 | Some Results on the Fundamental Concepts of Fuzzy Set Theory in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Environment by Using ? and Ss Cuts | Akın, Ömer ; Bayeğ, Selami |
1-Sep-2020 | Approximation by Max-Min Operators: a General Theory and Its Applications | Gökçer, Yeliz Türkan; Duman, Oktay |
Jun-2020 | Analysis of an Epidemic Model for Transmitted Disease in Two Age Classes | Gölgeli, Meltem ; Atay, F. M. |
2019 | New Binomial Double Sums With Products of Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers | Kılıç, Emrah ; Taşdemir, Funda |
2-Apr-2020 | New Analogues of the Filbert and Lilbert Matrices Via Products of Two K-Tuples Asymmetric Entries | Kılıç, Emrah ; Ömür, Neşe; Koparal, Sibel |
Jun-2020 | Formulæ for Multi-Parameter Gaussian Q-Binomial Sums With Applications | Kılıç, Emrah ; Prodinger, Helmut |
2020 | Quadratic Sums of Gaussian Q-Binomial Coefficients and Fibonomial Coefficients | Kılıç, Emrah ; Chu, Wenchang |
25-Dec-2019 | A Wide Class of Combinatorial Matrices Related With Reciprocal Pascal and Super Catalan Matrices | Kılıç, Emrah ; Prodinger, Helmut |
Apr-2019 | On Binomial Double Sums With Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers-I | Kılıç, Emrah ; Taşdemir, Funda |
Apr-2018 | Formulae for Two Weighted Binomial Identities With the Falling Factorials | Kılıç, Emrah ; Ömür, Neşe; Koparal, Sibel |
Nov-2019 | Error Estimation for Approximate Solutions of Delay Volterra Integral Equations | Duman, Oktay |
Aug-2019 | A Nonsymmetrical Matrix and Its Factorizations | Arıkan, Talha; Kılıç, Emrah ; Prodinger, Helmut |
2019 | Partial Sums of the Gaussian Q-Binomial Coefficients, Their Reciprocals, Square and Squared Reciprocals With Applications | Kılıç, Emrah ; Akkuş, İlker |
May-2019 | The Discreteness of the Spectrum of the Schrödinger Operator Equation and Some Properties of the S-Numbers of the Inverse Schrödinger Operator | Hashimoğlu, İlyas; Akın, Ömer ; Mamedov, Khanlar R. |