Matematik Bölümü / Department of Mathematics : [365] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 261 to 280 of 365
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019On the Number of K-Normal Elements Over Finite FieldsSaygı, Zülfükar ; Tilenbaev, Ernist; Ürtiş, Çetin
Jan-2019A Nonlinear Generalization of the Filbert Matrix and Its Lucas AnalogueKılıç, Emrah ; Arıkan, Talha
Jun-2019New Asymmetric Generalizations of the Filbert and Lilbert MatricesKılıç, Emrah ; Koparal, Sibel; Ömür, Neşe
2019Studying New Generalizations of Max-Min Matrices With a Novel ApproachKılıç, Emrah ; Arıkan, Talha
2019A Mathematical Model of Hepatitis B Transmission in TurkeyGölgeli, Meltem 
Jan-2019On Solutions of the Recursive Equations X_{n+1}=x_{n-1}^{p}/X_{n}^{p} (p>0) Via Fibonacci-Type SequencesÖcalan, Özkan; Duman, Oktay 
2018System of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Differential Equations With Intuitionistic Fuzzy Initial ValuesAkın, Ömer ; Bayeğ, Selami
2018The Concept of Hukuhara Derivative and Aumann Integral for Intuitionistic Fuzzy Number Valued FunctionsAkın, Ömer ; Bayeğ, Selami
Jul-2019Explicit Spectrum of a Circulant-Tridiagonal Matrix With ApplicationsKılıç, Emrah ; Yalçıner, Aynur
Apr-2019Evaluation of Sums Involving Products of Gaussian Q-Binomial Coefficients With ApplicationsKılıç, Emrah ; Prodinger, Helmut
Jul-2019Uav Coverage Using Hexagonal TessellationÜrtiş, Esra Kadıoğlu; Ürtiş, Çetin; Papanikolopoulos, Nikolaos
Mar-2019Summability on Mellin-Type Nonlinear Integral OperatorsAslan, İsmail; Duman, Oktay 
2018Global Stability Analysis of a General Scalar Difference EquationMerdan, Hüseyin ; Gümüş, Özlem Ak; Karahisarlı, Gamzegül
Jul-2019A Proof of Clarke's ConjectureKılıç, Emrah ; Arıkan, Talha
Feb-2019Asset Price Dynamics for a Two-Asset Market SystemBulut, Hakan; Merdan, Hüseyin ; Swigon, D.
Oct-2013Some Double Binomial Sums Related To Fibonacci, Pell and Generalized Order-K Fibonacci NumbersKılıç, Emrah ; Prodinger, Helmut
Sep-2014On the Number of Quadratic Forms Having Codimension 2 Radicals in Characteristic 2 Giving Maximal/Minimal CurvesÖzbudak, Ferruh; Saygı, Zülfükar 
Feb-2014A Note on the Conjecture of Ramirez and SirventKılıç, Emrah ; Prodinger, Helmut
Jun-2016Further Results on Rational Points of the Curve Y(qn) - Y = Gamma Xqh+1 - Alpha Over F-QmCoşgün, Ayhan; Saygı, Zülfükar ; Özbudak, Ferruh
Nov-2014On the Exact Number of Solutions of Certain Linearized EquationsÖzbudak, Ferruh; Saygı, Zülfükar 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 261 to 280 of 365