Showing results 1 to 20 of 26
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
Mar-2019 | 2d Lattice Material Architectures for Actuation | Nelissen, W. E. D.; Ayaş, Can; Tekoğlu, Cihan |
Aug-2020 | Cohesive Traction-Separation Relations for Tearing of Ductile Plates With Randomly Distributed Void Nucleation Sites | Andersen, R. G.; Tekoğlu, Cihan ; Nielsen, K. L. |
Jul-2012 | A Criterion for the Onset of Void Coalescence Under Combined Tension and Shear | Tekoğlu, Cihan ; Leblond, J. -B.; Pardoen, T. |
2021 | A Crystal Plasticity Based Finite Element Framework for Rve Calculations of Two-Phase Materials: Void Nucleation in Dual-Phase Steels | Yalçınkaya, Tuncay; Çakmak, Serhat Onur; Tekoğlu, Cihan |
2015 | Çift Fazlı (çf) Çeliklerde Mikroyapının Optimizasyonu | Tekoğlu, Cihan |
2015 | Çift Fazlı Çeliklerde Mikroyapının İyileştirilmesi | İnanç, Mustafa |
2022 | Ductile Failure Predictions Using Micromechanically-Based Computational Models | Dæhli L.E.B.; Tekoğlu, Cihan ; Morin D.; Børvik T.; Hopperstad O.S. |
2023 | Ductile Tearing of Aluminium Plates: Experiments and Modelling | Espeseth, Vetle; Morin, David; Tekoğlu, Cihan ; Borvik, Tore; Hopperstad, Odd Sture |
2019 | Editorial [2019] | Tekoğlu, C. ; Yalçınkaya, T. |
2019 | Effect of Damage-Related Microstructural Parameters on Plate Tearing at Steady State | Tekoğlu, Cihan ; Nielsen, K. L. |
Jan-2020 | Experimental Investigation of Crack Propagation Mechanisms in Commercially Pure Aluminium Plates | Tekoğlu, Cihan ; Çelik, Ş.; Duran, Hatice ; Efe, M.; Neilsen, K. L. |
Aug-2019 | A Micromechanics Based Numerical Investigation of Dual Phase Steels | Yalçınkaya, Tuncay; Güngör, Gönül Öykü; Çakmak, Serhat Onur; Tekoğlu, Cihan |
28-Mar-2015 | On Localization and Void Coalescence as a Precursor To Ductile Fracture | Tekoğlu, Cihan ; Hutchinson, J. W.; Pardoen, T. |
2021 | On the Dependence of Crack Surface Morphology and Energy Dissipation on Microstructure in Ductile Plate Tearing | Çelik, S.; Andersen, R. G.; Tekoğlu, C. ; Nielsen, K. L. |
6-Apr-2018 | On the Sufficient Symmetry Conditions for Isotropy of Elastic Moduli | Ayaş, Can; Tekoğlu, Cihan |
2024 | Poısson Oranı Yaklaşık 0 veya 1 Olan, İki Boyutlu, Düzlem İçi İzotropik Latis Malzemelerin Tasarımı ve Mekanik Özelliklerinin Nümerik Olarak Karakterizasyonu | Dere, Nihan Çam |
Aug-2017 | A Quest for 2d Lattice Materials for Actuation | Pronk, T. N.; Ayaş, C.; Tekoğlu, Cihan |
2018 | A Quest for 2d Lattice Materials for Actuation (vol 105, Pg 199, 2017) | Pronk, T. N.; Ayaş, C.; Tekoğlu, Cihan |
Dec-2014 | Representative Volume Element Calculations Under Constant Stress Triaxiality, Lode Parameter, and Shear Ratio | Tekoğlu, Cihan |
2021 | The Role of Intermetallic Particles on Mode I Crack Propagation Mechanisms in Metal Plates | Tekoğlu, C. ; Çelik, Ş.; Duran, H. ; Efe, M.; Baier-Stegmaier, S.; Nielsen, K. L. |