Browsing by Author Akat, F.

Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024The Effect of Exercise Intensity on Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury and Myokine Profile in Diabetic CardiomyopathyAkat, F.; Tatar, Y.; Çelik, H.; Fiçicilar, H.; Dursun, A.D.; Baştug, M.
2023Effects of High-Intensity Interval Training (hiit) on Skeletal Muscle Atrophy, Function, and Myokine Profile in Diabetic MyopathyÖzçatal, Y.; Akat, F.; Tatar, Y.; Fıçıcılar, H.; Serdaroğlu, B.; Topal, Çelikkan, F.; Baştuğ, M.