Browsing by Author Acar, Erdem

Showing results 31 to 50 of 113 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Apr-2015Effect of error metrics on optimum weight factor selection for ensemble of metamodelsAcar, Erdem 
2021Effect of sphere radius and bullet hitting location on the ballistic performance of alumina ceramic tileÇelikbas D.; Acar, Erdem 
2023Effects of process parameters on strengthening mechanisms of additively manufactured AlSi10MgGökdağ, İstemihan; Acar, Erdem 
2010Effects of Structural Tests on Aircraft Safety [Article]Acar, Erdem ; Haftka, Raphael T.; Kim, Nam H.
2009Effects of structural tests on aircraft safety [Conference Object]Acar, Erdem ; Haftka, R. T.; Kim, N. H.; Buchi, D.
Nov-2013Effects of the correlation model, the trend model, and the number of training points on the accuracy of Kriging metamodelsAcar, Erdem 
2021Eklemeli imalat için eş zamanlı proses parametre ve topoloji optimizasyonuGökdağ, İstemihan
Dec-2017Enhancement of quality of modal test results of an unmanned aerial vehicle wing by implementing a multi-objective genetic algorithm optimizationPedramasl, Nima; Şahin, Melin; Acar, Erdem 
2021Experimental and numerical investigation on the crashworthiness optimization of thin-walled aluminum tubes considering damage criteriaMert, Sinem K.; Demiral, Murat; Altın, Murat; Acar, Erdem ; Güler, Mehmet Ali 
Nov-2020Experimental and numerical study on the crashworthiness evaluation of an intercity coach under frontal impact conditionsGüler, Mehmet Ali ; Cerit, Muhammed Emin; Mert, Sinem Kocaoğlan; Acar, Erdem 
2011Experimental robust optimal machining of hardened AISI 420 stainless steel with Al2O3+TiCN mixed ceramic toolAcar, Erdem ; Camuşcu, N.; Er, A. O.; Aslan, E.
2023Exploring Design Options for Wing Leading Edge Against Bird StrikeCihan Tezel, Muhammed; Yamaner, Yusuf; Aziz Çoğuz, Bilge; Acar, Erdem 
2021Exploring various options for improving crashworthiness performance of rail vehicle crash absorbers with diaphragmsKeskin, S.A.; Acar, Erdem ; Güler, Mehmet Ali ; Altın, M.
2021Farklı tasarım opsiyonlarının diyaframlı darbe sönümleyici yapıların enerji soğurma performansına etkilerinin incelenmesi ve eniyilenmesiKeskin, Sabri Alper
17-Jul-2018Foam filling options for crashworthiness optimization of thin-walled multi-tubular circular columnsAcar, Erdem ; Güler, Mehmet Ali ; Altın, Murat
2017Francis tipi hidrotürbin ayar kanadı ve çarkının hesaplamalı akışkanlar dinamiği bazlı eniyilenmesiKöksal, Alev Elikalfa
2011Guided tail modelling for efficient and accurate reliability estimation of highly safe mechanical systemsAcar, Erdem 
2014Hesaplamalı akışkanlar dinamiği yardımıyla su türbini çarkı tasarımı ve eniyilemesiAyancık, Fatma
2009Improving the accuracy of vehicle crashworthiness response predictions using an ensemble of metamodelsAcar, Erdem ; Solanki, Kiran N.
4-Mar-2015Increasing automobile crash response metamodel accuracy through adjusted cross validation error based on outlier analysisAcar, Erdem