Browsing by Author Aboulhorma, A.

Showing results 21 to 40 of 138 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Evidence of off-shell Higgs boson production from ZZ leptonic decay channels and constraints on its total width with the ATLAS detectorAad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abeling, K.; Abidi, S.H.; Aboulhorma, A.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.
2023Evidence of pair production of longitudinally polarised vector bosons and study of CP properties in ZZ → 4l events with the ATLAS detector at √s=13 TeVAad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abeling, K.; Abicht, N. J.; Abidi, S. H.; Aboulhorma, A.; Sultansoy, S. 
2023Exclusive dielectron production in ultraperipheral Pb+Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV with ATLASAad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abbott, D.C.; Abeling, K.; Abidi, S.H.; Aboulhorma, A.; Abramowicz, H.
2023Fast b-tagging at the high-level trigger of the ATLAS experiment in LHC Run 3Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abeling, K.; Abicht, N.J.; Abidi, S.H.; Aboulhorma, A.; Abramowicz, H.
2024Inclusive and differential cross-section measurements of tt¯Z production in pp collisions at s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector, including EFT and spin-correlation interpretationsAad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abeling, K.; Abicht, N.J.; Abidi, S.H.; Aboulhorma, A.; Abramowicz, H.
2023Inclusive and differential cross-sections for dilepton t(t)over-bar production measured in √s=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detectorAad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abeling, K.; Abicht, N. J.; Abidi, S. H.; Aboulhorma, A.; Abramowicz, H.
2023Luminosity determination in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV using the ATLAS detector at the LHCAad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abeling, K.; Abidi, S.H.; Aboulhorma, A.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.
2024Measurement and interpretation of same-sign W boson pair production in association with two jets in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorAad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abeling, K.; Abicht, N. J.; Abidi, S. H.; Aboulhorma, A.; Abramowicz, H.
2023Measurement of electroweak Z(??¯) ?jj production and limits on anomalous quartic gauge couplings in pp collisions at ?s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorAad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abbott, D.C.; Abeling, K.; Abidi, S.H.; Aboulhorma, A.; Abramowicz, H.
2023Measurement of exclusive pion pair production in proton-proton collisions at √s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detectorAad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abbott, D. C.; Abeling, K.; Abidi, S. H.; Aboulhorma, A.; Abramowicz, H.
2023Measurement of muon pairs produced via γγ scattering in nonultraperipheral Pb plus Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detectorAad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abbott, D. C.; Abeling, K.; Abidi, S. H.; Aboulhorma, A.; Abramowicz, H.
2023Measurement of single top-quark production in the s-channel in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorAad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abbott, D. C.; Abeling, K.; Abidi, S. H.; Aboulhorma, A.; Abramowicz, H.
2023Measurement of substructure-dependent jet suppression in Pb plus Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detectorAad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abbott, D. C.; Abeling, K.; Abidi, S. H.; Aboulhorma, A.; Abramowicz, H.
2024Measurement of t-channel single-top-quark production in pp collisions at s=5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detectorAad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abeling, K.; Abicht, N.J.; Abidi, S.H.; Aboulhorma, A.; Abramowicz, H.
2023Measurement of the B0s → μμ effective lifetime with the ATLAS detectorAad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abeling, K.; Abicht, N. J.; Abidi, S. H.; Aboulhorma, A.; Abramowicz, H.
2024Measurement of the Centrality Dependence of the Dijet Yield in p+Pb Collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=8.16  TeV with the ATLAS DetectorAad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abeling, K.; Abicht, N.J.; Abidi, S.H.; Aboulhorma, A.; Abramowicz, H.
2023Measurement of the charge asymmetry in top-quark pair production in association with a photon with the ATLAS experimentAad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abbott, D.C.; Abeling, K.; Abidi, S.H.; Aboulhorma, A.; Abramowicz, H.
2023Measurement of the cross-sections of the electroweak and total production of a Zγ pair in association with two jets in pp collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorAad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abeling, K.; Abicht, N.J.; Abidi, S.H.; Aboulhorma, A.; Abramowicz, H.
2023Measurement of the Higgs boson mass in the H → ZZ⁎ → 4ℓ decay channel using 139 fb−1 of s=13 TeV pp collisions recorded by the ATLAS detector at the LHCAad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abbott, D.C.; Abeling, K.; Abidi, S.H.; Aboulhorma, A.; Abramowicz, H.
2023Measurement of the Higgs boson mass with H → γγ decays in 140 fb−1 of s=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detectorAad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abeling, K.; Abicht, N.J.; Abidi, S.H.; Aboulhorma, A.; Sultansoy, Saleh