Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2013 | Class Representative Computation Using Graph Embedding and Clustering | Aydos, Fahri; Demirci, Muhammed Fatih |
2012 | Classification of Audio Codecs Based on Coding Characteristics | Hiçsönmez S.; Sencar, Hüsrev Taha ; Avcibaş I. |
2012 | Classification of Audios Containing Speech and Music | Uzun, Erkam; Sencar, Hüsrev Taha |
2020 | Classification of Brain Tumors Via Deep Learning Models | Daglı, Kaya; Eroğul, Osman |
2022 | Classification of Breast Lesions on Mammogram Images Using Monarch Butterfly Optimization and Support Vector Machine | Akkur, Erkan; Türk, Fuat; Eroğul, Osman |
2016 | Classification of Hiv Data by Constructing a Social Network With Frequent Itemsets | Koçak, Yunuscan; Özyer, Tansel ; Alhajj, Reda |
2013 | Classification of Human Micro-Doppler in a Radar Network | Tekeli, Bürkan; Gürbüz, Sevgi Zübeyde; Yüksel, Melda; Gürbüz, Ali Cafer; Güldoğan, Mehmet Burak |
2018 | Classification of Turkish Documents Using Paragraph Vector | Sarı, Mustafa; Özbayoğlu, Ahmet Murat |
2020 | Classification of Ultrasonographic Thyroid Tumor Images To Tirads Categories Via Texture Analysis Methods | Tüzüner, Aslan Berk; Eroğul, Osman ; Ataç, Gökçe Kaan; Er, Hale Çolakoğlu |
2022 | The Clef-2022 Checkthat! Lab on Fighting the Covid-19 Infodemic and Fake News Detection | Nakov, P.; Barrón-Cedeño, A.; Da, San, Martino, G.; Alam, F.; Struß, J.M.; Mandl, T.; Míguez, R. |
2022 | The Clef-2022 Checkthat! Lab on Fighting the Covid-19 Infodemic and Fake News Detection | Nakov, Preslav; Barron-Cedeno, Alberto; Martino, Giovanni Da San; Alam, Firoj; Struss, Julia Maria; Mandl, Thomas; Kutlu, Mücahid |
2018 | Cloaking on Demand Based on Scattering Cancelation | Hayran, Zeki; Herrero, R.; Botey, M.; Kurt, H. ; Staliunas, Kestutis |
2007 | Closing Remarks of the Workshop on Global University System & E-Learning | Yazıcı, A. |
2014 | Cloud Technology and Performance Improvement With Intserv Over Diffserv for Cloud Computing | Yıldırım, Abdullah Sinan; Girici, Tolga |
2015 | Clustering and Frequency Allocation in Frequency Hopping Tactical Networks | Aziz, Ravşan; Kılıç, Gökhan; Girici, Tolga ; Numanoğlu, Tolga; Yenihayat, Güven; Koca, Halime |
2006 | Clustering by Integrating Multi-Objective Optimization With Weighted K-Means and Validity Analysis | Ozyer, Tansel ; Alhajj, Reda; Barker, Ken |
2014 | Clustering in Cellular M2m Communications | Kılıç, Gökhan; Girici, Tolga |
2015 | Clustering Quality Improvement of K-Means Using a Hybrid Evolutionary Model | Karimov, Jeyhun; Özbayoğlu, Ahmet Murat |
2010 | Clustering Uncertain Interval Data Using a New Hausdorff-Based Metric | Zarandi, Mohammad Hossein Fazel; Avazbeigi, Milad; Anssari, M. H.; Türkşen, İsmail Burhan |
2019 | Co-Optimizing Memory-Level Parallelism and Cache-Level Parallelism | Tang, Xulong; Kandemir, Mahmut Taylan; Karaköy, Mustafa; Arunachalam, Meenakshi |
2015 | Coaxial Electrospun Pcl/Pva-chitosan Nanofibers: a Novel Non-Viral Gene Delivery Scaffold | Sultanova, Zahida; Kabay, Gözde; Kaleli, Gizem; Mutlu, Mehmet |
2021 | Coğrafi Radar Dağıtım Optimizasyonu [conference Object] | Abul, Osman ; Şavşatlı F. |
2009 | A Collaborative and Content Based Event Recommendation System Integrated With Data Collection Scrapers and Services at a Social Networking Site | Kayaalp, Mehmet; Özyer, T. ; Özyer, S. T. |
2008 | Collaborative Target Tracking for Swarming Mavs Using Potential Fields and Panel Methods | Uzol, Oğuz; Yavrucuk İlkay; Uzol, Nilay Sezer |
Jul-2019 | Collective Residential Spaces in Sustainability Development: Turkish Housing Units Within Co-Living Understanding | Ataman, Cem; Dino, I. G. |
2014 | A Combined Experimental and Computational Study for the Design of A Low Water Consumption Cooling Tower | Doğan, Burak; Yılmaz, İbrahim; Polat, Özgür; Karabulut, Oytun; Ural, Ahmet; Uludağ, Yusuf; Aradağ, Selin |
2005 | Combined Neural Network Model Employing Lyapunov Exponents: Internal Carotid Arterial Disorders Detection Case | Güler N. F.; Übeyli, Elif Derya; Güler, İnan |
2022 | Combining Genetic Algorithm Based Joint Time-Frequency Analysis and Keystone Transform for Isar Image Enhancement | Sakin, A.O.; Songur, A.C.; Onat, E. |
2006 | Combining Validity Indexes and Multi-Objective Optimization Based Clustering | Ozyer, Tansel ; Alhajj, Reda |
2014 | Communication / Computation Trade-Offs in Wireless Sensor Networks: Comparing Network-Level and Node-Level Strategies | Yıldız, Hüseyin Uğur; Bıçakcı, Kemal ; Tavlı, Bülent |
2021 | A Communication Efficient Federated Learning Approach To Multi Chest Diseases Classification | Çetinkaya, Alper Emin; Akin M.; Sagiroglu S. |
Oct-2019 | Compact Fast-Switching Dc and Resonant Rf Drivers for a Dual-Mode Imaging and Hifu 2d Cmut Array | Stedman, Quintin; Gu, Lei; Pai, Chi-Nan; Rasmussen, Morten; Brenner, Kevin; Ma, Bo; Ergün, Arif Şanlı; Davila, Juan Rivas; Khuri-Yakub, Butrus |
2014 | Compact Rainbow Trapping and Demultiplexing by Photonic Crystal Waveguides | Giden, İbrahim Halil; Kurt, Hamza ; Turduev, Mirbek; Staliunas, Kestutis |
2024 | A Comparative Analysis of Grid Forming and Grid Following Control Methodologies for Power Inverters Under Fault Ride Through Events | Cakiroglu, Alper; Akdemir, Huseyin; Altm, Mufit; Kasnakoglu, Cosku |
2014 | Comparative Analysis of Hdac 2,4,5,7,8, and 9 M-Rna Expression Levels in Pediatric Acute Leukemia Patients in Before and After Chemotherapy Compare To Healthy Controls | Akın, D.; Aslar, D.; Mumcuoğlu, M.; Ezer, U.; Kürekci, E.; Akar, Mehmet Nejat |
Nov-2017 | Comparative Analysis of Performance of the Sepic Converter Using Lqr and Pid Controllers | Sel, Artun; Güneş, Uygar; Elbir, Ö.; Kasnakoğlu, Coşku |
2021 | A Comparative Study for Downlink Multi-User Mimo Systems | Yalçınduran, C.; Turgut, A.M.Y. |
2010 | Comparision of Gasketed Plate Heat Exchangers With Double Pipe Heat Exchangers | Çetinbas, Cankur Fırat; Tuna, Burak Ahmet; Akın, Cevat; Aradağ, Selin; Uzol, Nilay Sezer |
Dec-2018 | Comparison Between Simulated and Observed Lhc Beam Backgrounds in the Atlas Experiment at E Beam =4 Tev | The ATLAS Collaboration; Sultansoy, Saleh |
2021 | Comparison of Active Vulnerability Scanning Vs. Passive Vulnerability Detection | Ecik, Harun |
2009 | A Comparison of Anfis, Mlp and Svm in Identification of Chemical Processes | Efe, Mehmet Önder |
2008 | A Comparison of Architectural Varieties in Radial Basis Function Neural Networks | Efe, Mehmet Önder ; Kasnakoğlu, Coşku |
2008 | Comparison of Bayesian Estimation and Neural Network Model in Stock Market Trading | Özbayoğlu, Ahmet Murat ; Bahadır, İsmet |
2012 | Comparison of Cfd Predictions and Experimental Correlation Based Computer Program Results for Gasketed Plate Heat Exchangers | Özkaya, Ece; Aradağ, Selin; Kakaç, Sadık |
2013 | Comparison of Classifiers for Chatter Detection | Tuğci, Recep; Çelen, V. Burak A.; Özbayoğlu, Murat |
2012 | Comparison of Color Space for Fire Detection | Burak, Çelen V.; Muhammed, Fatih Demirci |
2021 | A Comparison of Deep Transfer Learning Methods on Bearing Fault Detection | Deveci, B.U.; Çeltikoğlu, M.; Alp, T.; Albayrak, O.; Ünal, P.; Kırcı, P. |
2015 | A Comparison of Different Shape Silica Nanoparticles | Alpaslan, Pınar; Altuntaş, Sevde; Büyükserin, Fatih |
2015 | The Comparison of Factors Affecting the Chance of Clinical Pregnancy Vs. Achieving Top Quality Embryo in Icsi Cycles: Using a New Ranking Algorithm (rimarc) | Demir, B.; Güvenir, H.; Kahyaoğlu, İ.; Türkkani, A. ; Kaplanaoğlu, I.; Mollamahmutoğlu, L. |
2010 | Comparison of Gasketed Plate Heat Exchangers With Double Pipe Heat Exchangers | Çetinbas, Cankur Fırat; Tuna, B. A.; Akın, C.; Aradağ, S.; Uzo, N. S. |
Sep-2012 | Comparison of Gross Calorific Value Estimation of Turkish Coals Using Regression and Neural Networks Techniques | Özbayoğlu, Ahmet Murat ; Özbayoğlu, Mehmet Evren; Özbayoğlu, Gülhan |
2020 | A Comparison of H-Infinity and Feedback Linearization for Rotary Inverted Pendulum | Güneş, Uygar; Sel, Artun; Kürkçü, Burak; Kasnakoğlu, Coşku |
Jul-2020 | A Comparison of H8-Synthesis and Feedback Linearization for Rotary Inverted Pendulum | Güneş, U.; Sel, Artun; Kürkçü, B.; Kasnakoğlu, Coşku |
2011 | Comparison of Iterative Sparse Recovery Algorithms | Karakuş, C.; Gürbüz, A. C. |
2024 | Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Yes/No Decoding Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fnirs) | Erdoğan, S.; Ergün, S.; Giregiz, H.; Şahin, B.M.; Eken, A. |
2024 | A Comparison of the Myerson Value and the Position Value | Derya, A.M. |
2017 | Comparison of Three Different Cnn Architectures for Age Classification | Aydoğdu, Mehmet Fatih; Çelik, Vakkas; Demirci, Muhammed Fatih |
2022 | Comparison of Time-Domain Antenna Performances for the Terahertz Photoconductive Sources and Detectors | Songur, Ahmet C.; Unlu, Mehmet |
2015 | A Comparison Study: Behavior of Neuron-Like Cells on Naked and Conductive Anodic Alumina Membranes | Altuntaş, Sevde; Büyükserin, Fatih |
2016 | Comparison of Nonlocal Operators Utilizing Perturbation Analysis | Aksoylu, Burak; Çeliker, Fatih |
2016 | Competitive Mobile Marketing and Its Impact on the Mobile Eco System | Cezar, Asunur; Raghunathan, Şrinivaşan |
2008 | The Complete Bandgap in Ring-Shaped Photonic Crystal Soi Slab | Hao, Ran; Kurt, Hamza ; Citrin, David S.; Zhou, Zhiping |
2010 | Complexity-Effective Rename Table Design for Rapid Speculation Recovery | Asilioğlu, Goerkem; Kaya, Emine Merve; Ergin, Oğuz |
2013 | Complicatoons and Affecting Factors of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: a Single Center Experience of 742 Cases | Devrez, Nilgün; Kozbe, Firdevs; Uzun, Nilüfer; Kayapınar, Fatma; Kalaycı, Muhsin |
2022 | Composable Cachelets: Protecting Enclaves From Cache Side-Channel Attacks | Townley, Daniel; Arikan, Kerem; Liu, Yu David; Ponomarev, Dmitry; Ergin, Oğuz |
20-Oct-2017 | A Comprehensive Approach for Validating P53 Binding Site Predictions | Özyer, Tansel ; Alhajj, Reda |
2014 | Compressed Sensing Based Hyperspectral Unmixing | Albayrak, R. Tufan; Gürbüz, Ali Cafer; Gunyel, Bertan |
2024 | Compression Analysis of Automotive Radar Raw Data | Eroglu, Omer; Orduyilmaz, Adnan |
2018 | Compressive Digital Receiver: First Hardware Implementation Results | Korucu, Ali Buğra; Çakar, Onur; Alp, Yaşar Kemal; Gök, Gökhan; Arıkan, Orhan |
2013 | Compressive Sensing Based Target Detection in Delay-Doppler Radars | Teke, Oğuzhan; Arıkan, Orhan; Gürbüz, Ali Cafer |
May-2019 | Computational Fluid Dynamics and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Based Control of Flow Over Supersonic Cavities | Gelişli, Kübra Asena; Aradağ, S.; Taşcıoğlu, Yiğit ; Özer, M. B. |
2018 | Computational Fluid Dynamics Modelling of Store Separation for Transonic Generic Store | Demir G.; Alemdaroğlu N. |
2018 | Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of Windage Loss in a Spur Gear | Aktaş, Murat Kadri ; Yavuz, Mehmet A.; Ersan, Ali K. |
2013 | The Computational Investigation of New Inhibitors for Aldose Reductase | Onay, A.; Abul, Osman |
2016 | Computational Studies of Isoflavanes: Isovestitoland Sativan | Onay, A. K.; Onay, M. |
2017 | Computer-Assisted Diagnosis of Osteoartrithis on Hip Radiographs | Şahin, Seda; Akata, Emin; Eroğul, Osman ; Tuncay, Cengiz; Şahin, Orçun; Sanal, Hatice Tuba |
2017 | Computer-Based Method for Measuring the Anteversion of the Acetabular Component on Pelvic Radiographs | Şahin, Seda; Akata, Emin; Eroğul, Osman ; Sanal, Hatice Tuba; Yıldız, Cemil; Tuncay, Cengiz |
2017 | Computerized Extraction of Bi-Rads Breast Mass Location Descriptors From Breast Volume Segmented on Mr Images | Demirgunes, Doğan Deniz; Ertaş, Gökhan; Telatar, Ziya; Eroğul, Osman |
2019 | Computing With Near Data [conference Object] | Tang, Xulong; Kandemir, Mahmut Taylan; Zhao, H.; Jung, M.; Karaköy, Mustafa |
2023 | Conceptual Design of Fixed Wing Electrical Vtol Air Transport Vehicle | Çelik, Serhat; Kaynak, Ünver ; Aktaş, Murat Kadri |
2009 | Concurrent Design of Product-Material Systems Using Multilevel Optimization | Acar, Erdem ; Rais-Rohani, Masoud; Najafi, A.; Marin, E.; Bammann, D. |
2023 | Condition Monitoring and Remaining Useful Life Prediction for Tool Wear in Cnc Machines | Unal, P.; Temel, S.; Ummak, E.; Ozbayoglu, A.M. |
2024 | Conditional Handover for Uav-Ues | Day, A. Burak; Kayalar, Aydanur |
2008 | The Configuration and Waiting Time Policies for Intrusion Detection Systems | Öğüt, Hulisi |
2022 | Confrontation With Future Anxiety in Architectural Design Studio | Bancı, Selda |
2010 | Conjugated Heat Transfer in Microchannels | Nunes, J. S.; Cotta, R. M.; Avelino, M. R.; Kakaç, Sadık |
2018 | Connective Tissue Growth Factor (ctgf) and Total Protein Concentrations in Tear Fluid and Aqueous Humour in Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome and Pseudoexfoliative Glaucoma | Koçan, Canan; Can Demirdöğen, Birsen ; Özge, G.; Mumcuoğlu, T. |
2022 | A Consensual Theoretical Framework Study for the Diagnostic Safety-Focused Critical Thinking Training Program in Emergency Medicine Education: A Three-Phase Study | Akbuğa Özel, Betül; Elçin, Melih |
Oct-2020 | Constant Envelope Precoding and Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access for Massive Mimo Systems | Özcan, T.; Yüksel, Melda |
2014 | Constellation Rearrangement for 4-Pam Repetition Coding | Çankaya, Şeyda; Yüksel, Melda |
2009 | Constructing Linear Parameter Varying Models Through Adaptation for the Control of a Class of Nonlinear Systems | Kasnakoğlu, Coşku |
2012 | Constructing Surrogate Models for Springback in U-Bending Process | Bekar, Deniz; Acar, Erdem ; Özer, Fırat; Güler, Mehmet Ali |
2019 | Constructing Test Collections Using Multi-Armed Bandits and Active Learning | Rahman, M. Mustafizur; Kutlu, Mücahid ; Lease, Matthew |
2023 | Consumer Socialization Of Children In Low-Income Families | Bilici, Gülcan Bengisu; Tarı Kasnakoğlu, Berna ; Türe, Meltem |
2008 | Control Input Separation Methods Applied To Cavity Flow | Kasnakoğlu, Coşku ; Caraballo, Edgar; Serrani, Andrea; Samimy, Mo |
2009 | Control of Flow Separation and Transition Point Over an Aerofoil at Low Re Number Using Simultaneous Blowing and Suction | Genç, M. Serdar; Kaynak, Ünver |
2014 | Control of Heat Transfer in a Water Filled Enclosure With a Vibrating Side Wall | Duru, C.; Aktaş, M.K. |
2005 | Control of Subsonic Cavity Flows by Neural Networks -Analytical Models and Experimental Validation | Efe, Mehmet Önder ; Debiasi M.; Yan Peng; Özbay Hitay; Samimy Mohammad |
2012 | Control of Supersonic Cavity Flow | Yılmaz, I.; Aylı, E.; Aradağ, S. |
2022 | Control System Design and Implementation Based on Big Data and Ontology | Temel, S.; Ummak, E.; Tokgöz, A.; Işık, F.; Albayrak, O.; Ünal, P.; Özbayoğlu, M. |