Browsing by Author İkizer, Gözde

Showing results 1 to 20 of 30  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jun-2019Afet Dirençliliğini Artıran Kaynaklar ve Kapasiteler: Avrupa’dan Vaka Çalışmaları ve Örneklerİkizer, Gözde ; Karancı, Ayşe Nuray ; Doğulu, Canay
2022Big Five Traits Predict Stress and Loneliness During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence for the Role of Neuroticismİkizer, Gözde ; Kowal M.; Aldemir İ.D.; Jefti? A.; Memisoglu-Sanli A.; Najmussaqib A.; Lacko D.
2023Connection Between the Covid-19 Pandemic, War Trauma Reminders, Perceived Stress, Loneliness, and Ptsd in Bosnia and HerzegovinaJeftic, Alma; İkizer, Gözde ; Tuominen, Jarno; Chrona, Stavroula; Kumaga, Raisa
2022Connection Between the Covid-19 Pandemic, War Trauma Reminders, Perceived Stress, Loneliness, and Ptsd in Bosnia and Herzegovina (dec, 10.1007/S12144-021-02407-x, 2021)Jeftic, Alma; İkizer, Gözde ; Tuominen, Jarno; Chrona, Stavroula; Kumaga, Raisa
2021Covidistress Global Survey Dataset on Psychological and Behavioural Consequences of the Covid-19 OutbreakYamada, Yuki; Cepulic, Dominik-Borna; Coll-Martin, Tao; Debove, Stephane; Gautreau, Guillaume; Han, Hyemin; Rasmussen, Jesper; İkizer, Gözde 
2023Covıd-19 Aşısı Olma Niyetini Anlamak: Maddi Kayıp Yaşama, Aşılar Hakkında Algılanan Bilgi Düzeyi ve Sağlık Kaygısının Yordayıcı RolüLeblebici, Elifnaz; Ayözcan, Merve Nuray; İkizer, Gözde 
2022Duygudurum ve Anksiyete Bozukluklarında Psikonöroimmünolojik Süreçler ve Psikoterapi ile İlişkisiYılmaz, Ceyhun; İkizer, Gözde 
2024Emergency Response, and Community Impact After February 6, 2023 Kahramanmaraş Pazarcık and Elbistan Earthquakes: Reconnaissance Findings and Observations on Affected Region in TürkiyeSenol Balaban, Meltem; Dogulu, Canay; Akdede, Nil; Akoğlu, Haldun; Karakayalı, Onur; İkizer, Gözde ; Karancı, Ayşe Nuray 
2024Examination of Coping Strategies and Professional Factors in the Relationship Between Vicarious Trauma, Vicarious Posttraumatic Growth and Vicarious Posttraumatic Depreciation Among Psychologists Providing Psychosocial Support After the 2023 Kahramanmaraş EarthquakesKarlı, Münevver Rana
2021Examining Psychological Resilience and Posttraumatic Growth Following Terrorist Attacks in Turkeyİkizer, Gözde ; Ozel E.P.
2023Examining the Relation Between Attending the Language Courses and Well-Being of the Attending RefugeesZaim, Pırıl
2023How Did the Covid-19 Pandemic Affect Individuals With Schizophrenia From Turkey?Karancı, Ayşe Nuray ; İkizer, Gözde ; Dilekler Aldemir, İlknur ; Bilgehan, Ayca; Karagoz, Cansu
2020Klinik psikolog kimdir?Karancı, Ayşe Nuray ; İkizer, Gözde 
2020Klinik psikoloji nedir?Karancı, Ayşe Nuray ; İkizer, Gözde 
2020Klinik Psikolojinin TarihçesiKarancı, Ayşe Nuray ; İkizer, Gözde 
2020Kırsal Ya Da Kentsel Bölgelerde Evlilik: Evlilik Doyumu ve Erken Dönem Uyum Bozucu Şemalar Üzerine Bir İncelemePehlivanlı, Esra; İkizer, Gözde 
2024Meditating Roles of Empathy, Quiet Ego and Emotional Intelligence in the Relationship Between Therapist Mindfulness and Cultural HumilityVardar, İzel Deniz
2021Negative Emotions in Siblings of Individuals With Developmental Disabilities: the Roles of Early Maladaptive Schemas and System JustificationYaldız, Aybüke Halime; Solak, Nevin; İkizer, Gözde 
2018Perceptions of Individual and Community Resilience To EarthquakesKarancı, Ayşe Nuray ; İkizer, Gözde ; Doğulu, Canay; Aubrecht, Dilek Özceylan
2021Post-Traumatic Stress, Growth, and Depreciation During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence From Turkeyİkizer, Gözde ; Karancı, Ayşe Nuray ; Gül, Ervin; Dilekler, İlknur