Browsing by Author Mutlu, O.

Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Breakhammer: Enhancing Rowhammer Mitigations by Carefully Throttling Suspect ThreadsCanpolat, O.; Yaglikci, A.G.; Olgun, A.; Yuksel, I.E.; Tugrul, Y.C.; Kanellopoulos, K.; Mutlu, O.; Ergin, Oğuz 
Jul-2020An Experimental Study of Reduced-Voltage Operation in Modern Fpgas for Neural Network AccelerationSalami, B.; Onural, E. B.; Yüksel, I. E.; Koç, F.; Ergin, Oğuz ; Cristal Kestelman, A.; Ünsal, O.; Sarbazi-Azad, H.; Mutlu, O.
2023How Does Hemodynamics Affect Rupture Tissue Mechanics in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: Focus on Wall Shear Stress Derived Parameters, Time-Averaged Wall Shear Stress, Oscillatory Shear Index, Endothelial Cell Activation Potential, and Relative Residence TimeMutlu, O.; Salman, H.E.; Al-Thani, H.; El-Menyar, A.; Qidwai, U.A.; Yalcin, H.C.
2022Pidram: an Fpga-Based Framework for End-To Evaluation of Processing-In TechniquesOlgun, A.; Luna, J.G.; Kanellopoulos, K.; Salami, B.; Hassan, H.; Ergin, Oğuz ; Mutlu, O.
2021Uncovering In-Dram Rowhammer Protection Mechanisms: a New Methodology, Custom Rowhammer Patterns, and ImplicationsHassan, H.; Tu?rul, Y.C.; Kim, Jeremie S.; Van Der Veen, V.; Razavi, K.; Mutlu, O.