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Showing results 101 to 200 of 4977 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Alternative Scenarios for the Lhc Based Electron-Proton ColliderAkay, Ahmet Nuri ; Dagli, Burak; Ketenoglu, Bora; Ozturk, Arif; Sultansoy, Saleh 
2013Altın, Döviz ve Hisse Senedi Piyasalarında Oynaklık Etkileşimi Mekanizmasının AnalizTokat, Hakkı Arda
2011Alvar Aalto: Villa Mairea's Interior Design AnalysisAyalp, Nur
2023Amorphous To Crystalline Ni3s2 Nanostructures Anchored on N-Doped Carbon Nanofibers for Electrochemical Splitting of WaterTahir, Aleena; ul Haq, Tanveer; Aftab, Faryal; Zaheer, Muhammad; Duran, Hatice ; Kirchhoff, Katrin; Arshad, Salman N.
1-Apr-2018Amsterdam's Greek Merchants: Proteges of the Dutch, Beneficiaries of the Russians, Subjects of the Ottomans and Supporters of GreeceÇolak, Hasan 
Nov-2017Amyloid-Like Protein Nanofibrous Membranes as a Sensing Layer Infrastructure for the Design of Mass-Sensitive BiosensorsKabay, Gözde; Can, Gizem Kaleli; Mutlu, Mehmet 
2012Ana Modeller için Boya Sonrası Montaj Hattında Karar Destek Sistemi TasarımıAydoğan, Melike; Durak, Merve; Özyılmaz, Merve; Sakarya, Görkem; Sertbarut, Burak Serkan; Uğur, Yusuf Kürşad; Kayhan, Ayşegül Altın
2014Anadolu’da İslâmiyet: Gaziler Çağında (xıı.-xıv. Asırlar) Türkmen İslâm Yorumunun Sünnî-alevî Niteliği Üzerine Bazı DeğerlendirmelerYıldırım, Rıza 
2021Analysing Seer Cancer Data Using Signed Maximal Frequent Itemset NetworksKocak, Yunuscan; Ozyer, Tansel 
2019Analysing the Debates at the Turkish Parliament During the Kosovo Conflict (1998-1999): Impact of Geography, History and IdentityDemirtaş, Birgül
May-2020Analysis and Prediction in Sparse and High Dimensional Text Data: the Case of Dow Jones Stock MarketSert, Onur Can; Şahin, Salih Doruk; Özyer, Tansel ; Alhajj, Reda
2022Analysis of Adas Radars With Electronic Warfare PerspectiveCemil, Alper; Unlu, Mehmet
Jun-2020Analysis of an Epidemic Model for Transmitted Disease in Two Age ClassesGölgeli, Meltem ; Atay, F. M.
2023An Analysis of Children’s Books Explaining Abstract Concepts in the Context of Visual CommunicationÖzkan, E.
2009Analysis of Convective Two-Phase Flow Instabilities in Vertical and Horizontal In-Tube Boiling SystemsKakaç, Sadık ; Cao, Liping
2013Analysis of Delay and Jitter of Rapid Single Flux Quantum Wiring CellsÇelik, M. Eren; Bozbey, A. 
2006Analysis of Doppler Ultrasound Signals Based on Fuzzy Similarity IndexGüler, İnan; Übeyli, Derya Elif
2007Analysis of Ecg Signals by Diverse and Composite FeaturesÜbeyli, Elif Derya
2008Analysis of Eeg Signals by Combining Eigenvector Methods and Multiclass Support Vector MachinesÜbeyli, Elif Derya
2009Analysis of Eeg Signals by Implementing Eigenvector Methods/Recurrent Neural NetworksÜbeyli, Elif Derya
2006Analysis of Eeg Signals Using Lyapunov ExponentsÜbeyli, Elif Derya
2009Analysis of Electrocardiographic Changes in Partial Epileptic Patients by Combining Eigenvector Methods and Support Vector MachinesÜbeyli, Elif Derya
2013Analysis of Energy Efficiency of Compressive Sensing in Wireless Sensor NetworksKarakuş, Celalettin; Gürbüz, Ali Cafer; Tavlı, Bülent 
2019Analysis of Entrant and Incumbent Bidding in Public Procurement AuctionsTaş, Bedri Kamil Onur 
2015Analysis of Events With B-Jets and a Pair of Leptons of the Same Charge in Pp Collisions at ?s=8 Tev With the Atlas DetectorThe ATLAS Collaboration; Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Sultansoy, Saleh 
2012Analysis of Gas-Liquid Behavior in Eccentric Horizontal Annuli With Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence TechniquesÖzbayoğlu, Ahmet Murat ; Yüksel, H. Ertan
Oct-2017Analysis of Geographical Variations in the Epidemiology and Management of Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation: Results From the Ramses Registry.Doğan, V.; Başaran, Ö.; Biteker, M.; Özpamuk Karadeniz, F.; Tekkesin, A.İ.; Çakıllı, Y.; Türkkan, C.; Hamidi, M.; Demir, V.; Gürsoy, M.O..; Tek Öztürk, M.; Aksan, G.; Seyis, S.; Ballı, M.; Alıcı, M.H..; Bozyel, S.; Kırma, C.; ATLAS Collaborators
2010Analysis of Human Ppg, Ecg and Eeg Signals by Eigenvector MethodsÜbeyli, Elif Derya; Cvetkovic, Dean; Cosic, Irena
2012Analysis of Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Based Subsurface Imaging for Compressive Ground Penetrating RadarsTuncer, Mehmet Ali Çağrı; Gürbüz, Ali Cafer
2020Analysis of Protein C Inhibitor/ Serpina5Özkan, Didem Torun; Akar, Mehmet Nejat 
2008Analysis of Quantum Noise in a Singly Resonant Nondegenerate Optical Parametric OscillatorKöprülu, Kahraman G.
2010Analysis of Real Oil Prices Via Trend-Cycle DecompositionÖzbek, Levent; Özlale, Ümit 
Dec-2014Analysis of Seam-Carving Anonymization of Images Against Prnu Noise Pattern-Based Source AttributionDirik, Ahmet Emir; Sencar, Hüsrev Taha ; Memon, Nasir
2010Analysis of Sleep Eeg Activity During Hypopnoea Episodes by Least Squares Support Vector Machine Employing Ar CoefficientsÜbeyli, Elif Derya; Cvetkovic, Dean; Holland, Gerard; Cosic, Irena
2009Analysis of Spike-Wave Discharges in Rats Using Discrete Wavelet TransformÜbeyli, Elif Derya; İlbay, Gül; Şahin, Deniz; Ateş, Nurbay
15-Oct-2018Analysis of the Focusing Crosstalk Effects of Broadband All-Dielectric Planar Metasurface Microlens Arrays for Ultra-Compact Optical Device ApplicationsÖzdemir, Aytekin; Yılmaz, Nazmi; Alboon, Shadi A.; Takashima, Yuzuru; Kurt, Hamza 
2023Analysis of the Lack of Providing the Patient With Satisfactory and Reliable Information About Imported Medicines in Terms of Safety and Ethical Problems: Qualitative ResearchBuruk, Banu ; Ekmekci, Perihan Elif ; Güner, Müberra Devrim 
2017Analysis of the Wtb Vertex From the Measurement of Triple-Differential Angular Decay Rates of Single Top Quarks Produced in the T-Channel at Root S=8 Tev With the Atlas DetectorAaboud, M.; Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdinov, O.; Abeloos, B.; Adelman, J.
2014The Analysis of Volatility Transmission Mechanism Among Carry Trade CurrenciesTokat, Ekin ; Murat, Atılım ; Tokat, Hakkı Arda
Jan-2020Analysis of Water-Equivalent Materials Used During Irradiation in the Clinic With Xcom and BeamnrcTuğrul, Taylan; Eroğul, Osman 
2011Analytical and Numerical Calculations of Optimum Design Frequency for Focused Ultrasound Therapy and Acoustic Radiation ForceErgun, A. Sanli
2009Analytical and Numerical Methods for the Cmkdv-Ii EquationAkın, Ömer ; Ozugurlu, Ersin
2018An Analytical Approach: Explicit Inverses of Periodic Tridiagonal MatricesHopkins, Tim; Kılıç, Emrah 
2016Analytical Solution of the Frictional Contact Problem of a Semi-Circular Punch Sliding Over a Homogeneous Orthotropic Half-PlaneKüçüksucu, Ayşegül; Güler, Mehmet Ali 
Oct-2015Analytical Solution of Thermally Developing Microtube Heat Transfer Including Axial Conduction, Viscous Dissipation, and Rarefaction EffectsBarışık, Murat; Yazıcıoğlu, Almila Güvenç; Çetin, Barbaros; Kakaç, Sadık 
2019Analytical, Numerical, and Experimental Investigation of a Luneburg Lens System for Directional CloakingBabayiğit, Ceren; Evren, Aydın S.; Bor, Emre; Kurt, Hamza ; Turduev, Mirbek
2022Analytically Explicit Inverse of a Kind of Periodic Tridiagonal Matrix Using a Backward Continued Fraction ApproachHopkins, T.; Kiliç, E. 
2012Analyzing Batch-To and Part-To Springback Variation of Dp600 Steels Using a Double-Loop Monte Carlo SimulationBekar, Deniz; Acar, Erdem ; Özer, Fırat; Güler, Mehmet Ali 
Feb-2016Analyzing Conversion Rates in Online Hotel Booking: the Role of Customer Reviews, Recommendations and Rank Order in Search ListingsCezar, Asunur; Öğüt, Hulisi
2011Analyzing Energy Consumption and Gdp Nexus Using Maximum Entropy Bootstrap: the Case of TurkeyYalta, Abdullah Talha 
2018Analyzing the Dynamics of Ebola Transmission With Random EffectsMerdan, Mehmet; Bekiryazıcı, Zafer; Kesemen, Tülay; Khaniyev, Tahir 
2023Anatomical Evaluation and Preparation Procedure of a Cross- Sectioned Kidney Plastination of a Thoroughbred Horse With Local Polyester ResinBakıcı, Caner; Yunus, Hasen Awel; Batur, Barış; Ekim, Okan; Tunalı Selçuk
2024Anatomical Insights on the Cervical Nerve for Contemporary Face and Neck Lifting: a Cadaveric StudyÇakmak, Özcan; Büyüklü, Fuat; Kaya, Kerem Sami; Babakurban, Seda Tuerkoglu; Bogari, Ahmad; Tunalı, Selçuk 
2014Anayasa Mahkemesinin Eylemli İçtüzük Kuralına İlişkin İçtihat Değişikliğinin Gerekçesi ÜzerineBakırcı, Fahri 
Jun-2013Anayasa Mahkemesinin Mali Güç İlkesine Yaklaşımına İktisadi BakışCanyaş, Oytun ; Seçilmiş, İ. Erdem
2019Anayasa’nın 73. Maddesi Uyarınca Cumhurbaşkanına Verilebilen Vergilendirme Yetkisinin Hangi Hukuk Kaynağıyla Kullanılacağı Sorunu Üzerine Bir DenemeAkçaoğlu, Ertuğrul; Canyaş, Oytun 
2014Anemone-Like Nanostructures for Non-Lithographic, Reproducible, Large-Area, and Ultra-Sensitive Sers SubstratesDağlar, Bihter; Demirel, Gökçen Birlik; Khudiyev, Tural; Doğan, Tamer; Tobail, Osama; Altuntaş, Sevde; Büyükserin, Fatih ; Bayındır, Mehmet
2018Anestezistin Uyanik Kraniyotomi Uygulamalarındaki YaklaşımıÖzlü, Onur
2025Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage; Early Surgery; Neurosurgeons Experience; Patient OutcomeElbir, Ç.; Ülkü, G.; Dolgun, H.; Demirtaş, O.K.; Türkoğlu, M.E.
Oct-2018Angular Analysis of Bd0 › K * Μ + Μ - Decays in Pp Collisions at ?s=8 Tev With the Atlas DetectorThe ATLAS Collaboration; Sultansoy, Saleh 
2019Angular Filtering by Bragg Photonic Microstructures Fabricated by Physical Vapour DepositionGrineviciute, Lina; Babayiğit, Ceren; Gailevicius, Darius; Bor, Emre; Turduev, Mirbek; Purlys, Vytautas; Tolenis, Tomas; Kurt, Hamza ; Staliunas, Kestutis
2015Ankaferd Blood Stopper Induces Apoptosis and Regulates Par1 and Epcr Expression in Human Leukemia CellsMumcuoğlu M.; Akın, D. F.; Ezer, U.; Akar, Mehmet Nejat 
2014Ankara Etnografya Müzesi Koleksiyonu’nda Yer Alan Art Nouveau Üsluplu Yıldız PorselenleriAydın, Altay, Suna, Canan
2014Anne-ergen Çiftlerinin Toplumsal Cinsiyet Rolleriyle İlgili Algısının İçerik Analizi [2014]Işık-Baş, Hatice; Şahin-Acar, Başak; Özen-Çıplak, Ayça
2018Anne-ergen Çiftlerinin Toplumsal Cinsiyet Rolleriyle İlgili Algısının İçerik Analizi [2018]Baş, Hatice Işık; Acar, Başak Şahin; Çıplak, Ayça Özen
2020Annotator Rationales for Labeling Tasks in CrowdsourcingKutlu, Mücahid ; McDonnell, T.; Elsayed, T. C.; Lease, M.
2008Anomalous Single Production of the Fourth Generation Charged Leptons at Future Ep CollidersÇiftçi, A. K.; Çiftçi, R.; Yıldız, H. Duran; Sultansoy, Saleh 
2008Anomalous Single Production of the Fourth Generation Neutrino at Future Ep CollidersÇiftçi, A. K.; Çiftçi, R.; Sultansoy, Saleh 
2010Anomalous Single Top Production at the Lhec Based Gamma P ColliderÇakır, I. T.; Çakır, O.; Sultansoy, Saleh 
2023Anomaly Detection Search for New Resonances Decaying Into a Higgs Boson and a Generic New Particle X in Hadronic Final States Using √s=13 Tev Pp Collisions With the Atlas DetectorAad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abbott, D. C.; Abeling, K.; Abidi, S. H.; Aboulhorma, A.; Abramowicz, H.
2021Anonim Şirket Genel Kurul Toplantısı Çağrı Usûlüne Uyulmaması Toplantıya Katılamayan Pay Sahibinin Mülkiyet Hakkını İhlâl Eder Mi? -farazî Bir Bireysel Başvuru Çerçevesinde İnceleme-*Kırca, İsmail 
Sep-2016Anonim Şirketlerde Pay Sahibi Anlayışındaki Değişimler ve Kısa Vadecilik Akımına Bir Çözüm Önerisi Olarak Sadakat PaylarıYatağan Özkan, Çiğdem 
2010Anonymization of Moving Objects Databases by Clustering and PerturbationAbul, Osman ; Bonchi, Francesco; Nanni, Mirco
2021Anonymous Location Sharing in Urban Area MobilityAbul, Osman ; Bitirgen, Ozan Berk
15-Mar-2014Anonymous Trace and RevokeAk, Murat; Pehlivanoğlu, Serdar; Selçuk, Ali Aydın 
2017Another Lesson Learned in Afghanistan: the Concept of Cultural IntelligenceYalçınkaya, Haldun ; Özer, Yusuf
2016Antecedents and Consequences of Co-Creation in Credence-Based Service ContextsTarı Kasnakoğlu, Berna 
2017Antibacterial Activities of Ankaferd Hemostat (abs) on Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia Coli and Other Pathogens Significant in Foodborne DiseasesKoluman, Ahmet; Akar, Mehmet Nejat ; Haznedaroğlu, İbrahim C.
Jun-2013Antikçağda Hukuk ve Adli BilimlerKüçük, Eşref
Jan-2017Aort ve Mitral Kapak Darlığının Koroner Kalsiyum Skorlama Tekniği Kullanılarak Koroner Arter Hastalığı ile İlişkisinin AraştırılmasıGökaslan, Serkan; Çelebi, Savaş; Kocaoğlu, İbrahim; Gökaslan, Çiğdem; Çelebi, Özlem Özcan; Vural, Murat
2024Applicable Law To the Legal Parentage of a Child Born Through International SurrogacyKayalı, Didem 
2017Application and Implementation of Incorporating Local Boundary Conditions Into Nonlocal ProblemsAksoylu, Burak; Beyer, Horst Reinhard; Çeliker, Fatih
2022Application of a Modular Topology Optimization Framework To an Aerospace Bracket DesignGokdag, Istemihan; Acar, Erdem 
2012Application of Geometric Approach for Fuzzy Linear Systems To a Fuzzy Input-Output AnalysisGasilov, Nizami; Amrahov, Şahin Emrah; Fatullayev, Afet Golayoğlu; Karakas, Halil İbrahim; Akın, Ömer 
2012Application of Multiple Intelligences Theory in Art History InstructionErkan, Tolga; Üster, Sema
2009An Application of Neural Networks in Microeconomics: Input-Output Mapping in a Power Generation Subsector of the Us Electricity IndustryÇelikkol Erbaş, Bahar; Stefanou, Spiro E.
2006Application of Temporal and Spatial Role Based Access Control in 802.11 Wireless NetworksTomur, Emrah; Erten, Y. Murat
2023Applying the Who Icf Framework To Long Covid Patients With Persistent Respiratory SymptomsKoseoğlu, Belma Fusun; Tur, Birkan Sonel; Kutay Ordu Gökkaya, Niluefer; Gökmen, İsmail Güneş; Kesiktaş, Fatma Nur; Bilir Kaya, Başak; Önal, Refiye
2021Appraisal of Transthoracic Echocardiography for Opportunistic Screening of Abdominal Aortic AneurysmÇelebi, O. O.; Çelebi, S. ; Berkalp, B. 
Jan-2015Approximate Fourier Domain Expression for Bloch-Siegert ShiftTürk, Esra Abacı; İder, Yusuf Ziya; Ergün, Arif Şanlı; Atalar, Ergin
2011Approximate Fuzzy Continuity of FunctionsBurgin, Mark; Duman, Oktay. 
2009Approximate Probabilistic Optimization Using Exact-Capacity (ecard)Kumar, Sunil; Pippy, Richard J.; Acar, Erdem ; Kim, Nam H.; Haftka, Raphael T.
1-Sep-2020Approximation by Max-Min Operators: a General Theory and Its ApplicationsGökçer, Yeliz Türkan; Duman, Oktay 
Mar-2020Approximation by Nonlinear Integral Operators Via Summability ProcessAslan, İsmail; Duman, Oktay 
2019Approximation Formulas for the Moments of the Boundary Functional of a Gaussian Random Walk With Positive Drift by Using Siegmund's FormulaGökpınar, Fikri; Khaniyev, Tahir A. ; Aliyev, R. T.
2010Approximation in Statistical Sense To B-Continuous Functions by Positive Linear OperatorsDirik, Fadime; Duman, Oktay ; Demirci, Kamil
2006Approximation of Continuous Periodic Functions Via Statistical ConvergenceDuman, O. ; Erkuş, E.
2008Approximation Properties of Poisson Integrals for Orthogonal ExpansionsÖzarslan, Mehmet Ali; Duman, Oktay 
2012Approximation Properties of Real and Complex Post-Widder Operators Based on Q-IntegersÜnal, Zafer; Özarslan, Mehmet Ali; Duman, Oktay 
2023Approximation Results for the Moments of Random Walk With Normally Distributed Interference of ChanceHanalıoğlu, Zülfiye; Poladova, Aynura; Khaniyev, Tahir